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Machine Intelligent Structured Illumination Microscope HIS-SIM

Live Cells




Machine Intelligent Structured Illumination Microscope HIS-SIM

Imaging modes: 25

Wide field: transmission wide field, fluorescence wide field, oblique incidence wide field (including multi angle adjustable)

TIRF: TIRF wide field (including multi angle adjustable), TIRF-SIM (including multi angle adjustable)

With its exceptional spatial resolution surpassing 60 nm, swift imaging capabilities reaching up to 1500 frames per second, and an expansive field of view (FOV) of 150 μm with a 100 × objective, the HIS-SIM sets new standards in 3D super-resolution imaging of various dynamic processes in living cells. Notably, MI-SIM's advanced sensitivity and reduced photo-toxicity facilitate prolonged imaging sessions while minimizing photo-bleaching effects.   HIS-SIM boasts a suite of sophisticated features, including real-time super-resolution, multi-camera and multi-site imaging capabilities, and intelligent region-of-interest (ROI) planning. It also excels in stitching within large FOV, 3D real-time tracking, multimodal focusing, and event-driven tracking. These capabilities underscore MI-SIM's versatility, ease of use, and user-centric design, reflecting CSR Biotech's leadership in the realms of advanced imaging, online decision-making, and intelligent control systems.   Highlights 2D/3D Realtime Super Resolution 1st to realize real-time SR imaging, seeing is obtaining Previewing at an 85 nm resolution, our system delivers a clear visualization of mitochondrial inner membrane structures, surpassing the resolution of standard preview methods. It boasts real-time reconstruction speeds of 24 Hz, with the capability to reach up to 65 Hz, facilitating the rapid acquisition of targeted samples for imaging. By bringing super-resolution (SR) imaging into the digital era, we significantly enhance imaging efficiency. This progress allows for quick evaluation of image quality and facilitates the prompt adjustment of regions of interest (ROI) and imaging protocols.   60 nm Super Resolution First to achieve 60 nm resolution in live-cell imaging with extremely low photobleaching Marking a pioneering advancement, our system is the first peer-reviewed technology to attain 60 nm resolution at the living cell level through a blend of optical and computational innovations. It facilitates detailed visualization of every marker and its distribution within living cells, enabling the observation of dynamic structures like the nuclear pore protein NUP98's ring structure, which also has a size of 60 nm.   Long-term Live-cell Tracking World's 1st to realize real-time intelligent tracking for long-term live cell imaging Enhanced Tracking Precision: TRACKER revolutionizes long-term live cell imaging with its advanced ability to automatically adjust for 3D defocus and 2D shifts, ensuring clear focus and tracking accuracy despite cellular motion and morphological changes. Comprehensive Multi-ROl Observation: Designed for detailed analysis, TRACKER adeptly monitors multiple regions of interest (ROIs), capturing crucial morphological and quantitative changes in cell growth, phagocytosis, and division for in-depth, long-term cellular studies.  

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Western Blot Imaging Systems TOUCH IMAGER

Western Blot

Ultra High Sensitivity

Broader Dynamic Range


Western Blot Imaging Systems TOUCH IMAGER

Sensitivity chip size: 168cm2

Original pixel (non merged) size: 100 μ m x 100 μ m

Quantum efficiency: 85%

Struggling to Get Accurate, Reliable and Replicable Western Blot Results? Integral to the study of cellular proteins is the effective discernment and qualification of many proteins amongst multiple cell lines. While traditional western blots provide this information, they require specific calibrations to reveal dark and faint bands and would take multiple tries to get the proper data needed, consuming unnecessary time and effort. Additionally, traditional western blot imaging systems capture strong signals from nearby bands along with the target protein, turning the task of capturing its data a bigger and time-consuming challenge. X-ray Film Western Blot Functioning similarly to an old-fashioned darkroom photograph, the image of the protein sample is captured using a high-powered x-ray machine. The procedure has a high sensitivity rate and the finished image has no optical signal loss.While the method is still preferred in countries like the US, the use of x-ray film in western blotting has its share of downsides: -High maintenance and overhead costs, as the procedure requires a dark room, reagents, and other chemicals. -The chemicals required for processing the x-ray film are harmful to both the human body and the environment. -Preparing and processing the x-ray film consumes a significant amount of time and manpower. -Its weak signal acquisition, narrow dynamic range, and images that are prone to saturation results into low-accuracy images that could require multiple takes. Cooled CCD Western Blot Utilizing industrial-grade SLR cameras to capture the required images, the cooled CCD western blot method is making itself known in the field as an alternative to x-ray film. Compared to the traditional x-ray film western blot method, the cooled CCD process boasts accurate quantitative imaging, a wider range of images, and digital documentation, among others. Despite its set of advantages, the cooled CCD western blot imaging system has its own set of setbacks, which include: -Low sensitivity and a high optical signal loss of more than 99% -A narrow quantitative range that could limit the desired results of the western blot imaging process. -Images are prone to saturation, resulting in poor and unusable images, therefore requiring more time to produce the right images.   A Better Approach To Western Blot Imaging Touch Imaging, The Complete Revolution Against Traditional Imaging Technology Contact chemiluminescence imaging is an imaging process in which the lens is removed, allowing the sample to direct contact with the photographic chip so the imaging process can be done in just 1 second. Moreover, the sensor chip area is 130 times larger than the conventional cold CCD imaging, and the individual pixel size area is also increased by over 400 times.     This innovative design eliminates many bottlenecks of traditional cold CCD imaging:   -The western film is directly attached to the photographic chip for imaging, all signals are captured without any light loss, which greatly improves the sensitivity and speed of imaging;   -The super large size of the photographic chip with ultra high signal acquisition capacity improves the sensitivity and speed of imaging;   -The huge pixels can increase the quantification range by two orders of magnitude, enabling precise quantification of samples;   -The new imaging technology removes any lens for imaging, thus eliminates image distortion caused by the lens and provides more accurate results.   Ultra High Sensitivity The direct touch imaging system with no lens captures all signals without losing even the weakest bands. The super large size of the photographic chip also improves sensitivity that enables more accurate results.   Broader Dynamic Range The new technology allows the samples for direct contacting the chip, which significantly increased the sensitivity by 2-3 logs for even the weakest signals, thus greatly reducing chances of signal loss or imaging failure.   Imaging in Just 1 Second The whole imaging process is designed to be as simplified as possible to save your time in the lab. Just loading the sample onto the chip and press the imaging button, your imaging result is available right away.   Save Up to 90% Space Using the latest technology available, our Touch Imager features a compact design that is sure to fit laboratories big or small. Its all-in-one solution additionally eliminates the need for other equipment or dedicated rooms, further saving space on the location.   Touch Imager Get accurate images every time with our Touch Imager that takes advantage of large-scale electronic light-sensitive elements to produce clear and desirable protein images.   Highlights -Real dynamic collection range and large full-well electron capacity provides high overexposure resistance -Modular software adopts to the latest application, requiring less equipment -Easy analysis of exposure quantifies the exact signal needed on the bends -NASA-class sensors guarantee clear and crisp images every time -Stable and smart construction allows the Touch Imager to function without the need for cooling systems.  

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Microscopy for the incubator zenCELL owl

Live cell




Microscopy for the incubator zenCELL owl

Imaging unit: CMOS

Number of imaging modules: 24

Light source: 24 LEDs

Live cell imaging with the zenCELL owl incubator microscope enables automatization and parallelization of routine and specific cell culture applications. zenCELL owl uses 24 independent cameras to acquire brightfield scans and perform image analysis of up to 24 wells of your cell culture in parallel automatically. The specialized software provides data visualization and analysis in real time and around the clock – 24/7. Culture quality and data can be comfortably checked from your PC – anywhere and anytime without entering the lab. The space-saving and easy-to-handle device is compatible with a range of standard cell culture vessels like multi-well plates, flasks or individual formats.   -Analyze up to 24 wells in parallel -Automize routine applications -Save space & stay flexible -Remote monitoring -Increase data quality & quantity -No user intervention -Automate routine applications   Let zenCELL owl record and analyze your cell cultures: Just set up the experiment and walk away. Check your cell cultures and data analyses anytime from anywhere without going into the lab. Save time for other tasks.   Perform simultaneous cell culture monitoring Analyze cell confluence and morphology of up to 24 wells simultaneously and compare individual wells at the same time to raise the validity and reproducibility of your experiments.   Stay flexible & save space Quickly move or remove the only 18 x 10.5 x 18 cm and 1.05 kg device and leave enough space for other vessels – or further zenCELL owl devices. Benefit from easy cleaning and disinfection and a low-maintenance due to absence of mechanical parts or rust-prone screws. Just plug in the cable, start the intuitive software and get started. No cable clutter in incubator and lab.   Don't miss the smallest detail​ Cell confluence and photos are recorded with a minimum interval of 10 min. 24/7 long term measurement and automated data acquisition increase the validity of your assay by rising the number of tracked and analyzed data points. You never miss a data point due to real-time continuous monitoring. Zoom down to cell level, capture high quality photos or create time-lapse videos. Track and analyze data time-resolved. Analyze dynamic chances and developments of your cell culture retrospectively and in detail.   Let the software do your job Algorithms evaluate the confluence of each picture and estimate changes in the relative cell number objectively and in real time. This creates consistent, reproducible and reliable results with no subjective scope of interpretation. Compare mean values and standard deviations of individually selected wells.   Leave your cells where they belong - in the incubator Your cell cultures and zenCELL owl can remain in the incubator during the complete experiment. Active user interventions are avoided, e.g. for manual microscopy. This prevents fluctuations of the environmental conditions like temperature and CO₂ and lowers the risk of contamination. Measurement results can be clearly traced back to the behavior of the cells at optimal culture conditions. Special settings such as hypoxia can be tested as experiments can be performed under defined conditions.  

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Optical Tweezers m-Trap

DNA–binding proteins

Protein folding

Cytoskeletal structure and transport


Optical Tweezers m-Trap

Mechanical resolution:<0.1 pN at 100 Hz (1 μ m beads at 0.3 pN/nm trap stiffness)

Maximum escape force:>1000 pN using 4.5 μ m polystyrene beads

Mechanical stability:<0.3 pN over 2 minutes

The m-Trap is the first entry-level optical tweezers instrument specifically developed for high-resolution single-molecule research. Ultra-high force resolution and stability, with incredible throughput, ease of use, and modularity – all at an unprecedented price level.   How does it work? In 2018 Arthur Ashkin won the Nobel Prize in Physics for his discovery that the momentum of light can be used as an incredibly sensitive set of “tweezers”. By shooting a laser through a microscope, he created a highly focused beam of light strong enough to trap and hold in place objects such as plastic beads. These beads can be coated to stick to a variety of biomolecules, such as proteins, cytoskeleton filaments, DNA, or RNA. Furthermore, the tiniest forces applied to these molecules can be measured as well, giving the world access to a tool not only capable of manipulating biomolecules but also capable of detecting what’s happening to them.   How can it be applied to my research? Whether you are aiming to make novel discoveries in the life sciences or develop successful drug candidates, we work on a personal level to find the right solution for you. Browse our extended list of applications to discover how these technologies can benefit your research. Don’t see your specific field represented? Drop us an e-mail to see what we can do!   -Stable and precise sample manipulation Advanced manipulation features that allow you to get the most out of your sample. Fully supported integration and correlation with custom optical layout allowing for 3rd party system integration.   -High throughput experiment workflow Loading your sample and analysing your data in less than 30 minutes.   -Easy and intuitive software package Check how you can completely automate your experiments using our user-centered software workflow.

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Flow Cytometry Cell Analyzer Ze5

Flow Cytometry



Flow Cytometry Cell Analyzer Ze5

Fluorescence sensitivity:<100 MESF for FITC, PE, APC

Forward sensitivity: Small particle detector module, FSC resolution<0.3 μ m

Laser: 355 nm, 50 mW 488 nm, 100 mW 640 nm, 100 mW

The ZE5 Cell Analyzer is an innovative, versatile flow cytometer designed to deliver powerful advancements in the quality and quantity of data that you can generate. It is versatile enough to handle complex assays and able to deliver data at a rate unmatched by other instruments. Versatile   The ZE5 Cell Analyzer has a host of attributes that make it perfect for a wide range of applications and workflows: -Allows complex immunophenotyping with up to 5 lasers and 30 detection parameters -Adapts to your workflow, with a universal sample loader that can accommodate a wide range of sample formats and has integrated vortexing and temperature control -Powers through high throughput and screening assays with fast plate handling, allowing 96-well plates to be completed in less than 15 minutes and 384-well plates in less than 60 minutes -Detects rare events faster with an acquisition rate of up to 100,000 events/second without losing data due to electronic aborts -Resolves small particles, including exosomes, with a dedicated small particle detector -Performs advanced analysis with FCS Express analysis software   Easy to Use Designed for busy multi-user laboratories and with an emphasis on ease of use, it incorporates innovative features that make it ideal for users with any level of experience: -Learn, use, and train with ease with intuitive software and a unique experiment builder wizard -Fluidics that never run dry with dry sample detection and live sheath and waste tank monitoring -Self-cleaning with on-board cleaner -QC at the touch of a button with on-board QC beads   Automation and 21 CFR Part 11 Ready If you are considering flow cytometry for high throughput screening or pre-clinical applications that require 21 CFR Part 11 compliance, the ZE5 Cell Analyzer is an ideal choice. -Designed to allow easy integration into robotic workcells -Hands-off operation with optional large capacity fluidics -Widely compatible with new or existing robotic workcells with a hardware and software agnostic application programming interface (API) -Data acquisition with 21 CFR Part 11 support using Xybion Compliance Builder software -Advanced data analysis with 21 CFR Part 11 support with FCS express analysis software (contact for more information) -IQ/OQ service available           

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Ultra fast qPCR Micgene 162164(FDA)

Ultra fast




Ultra fast qPCR Micgene 162164(FDA)

Temperature accuracy:+0.2 ℃

Temperature uniformity: 0.25 ℃

Maximum lifting rate: ≥ 16 ℃/s

-Integrated optical design without calibration;   -Fluorescence 2/4 channels, covering commonly used fluorescent dye excitation light sources, can freely choose channel combinations;   -The device supports linking to the cloud service platform, which can achieve functions such as automatic data transmission and remote viewing;   -Optional PC software control, capable of analyzing data;   -Compact and easy to carry, equipped with a 7-inch capacitive touch screen.  

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Optical Tweezers – Fluorescence & Label-free Microscopy C-Trap G2

DNA–binding proteins

Protein folding

Cytoskeletal structure and transport


Optical Tweezers – Fluorescence & Label-free Microscopy C-Trap G2

Mechanical resolution:<0.1 pN at 100 Hz (1 μ m beads at 0.3 pN/nm trap stiffness)

Maximum escape force:>1000 pN using 4.5 μ m polystyrene beads

Mechanical stability:<0.3 pN over 2 minutes

The C-Trap® provides the world’s first dynamic single-molecule microscope to allow simultaneous manipulation and visualization of single-molecule interactions in real time. It combines high-resolution optical tweezers, fluorescence, and label-free microscopy, and an advanced microfluidics system in a truly integrated and correlated solution.   How does it work? In 2018 Arthur Ashkin won the Nobel Prize in Physics for his discovery that the momentum of light can be used as an incredibly sensitive set of “tweezers”. By shooting a laser through a microscope, he created a highly focused beam of light strong enough to trap and hold in place objects such as plastic beads. These beads can be coated to stick to a variety of biomolecules, such as proteins, cytoskeleton filaments, DNA, or RNA. Furthermore, the tiniest forces applied to these molecules can be measured as well, giving the world access to a tool not only capable of manipulating biomolecules but also capable of detecting what’s happening to them.   How can it be applied to my research? Whether you are aiming to make novel discoveries in the life sciences or develop successful drug candidates, we work on a personal level to find the right solution for you. Browse our extended list of applications to discover how these technologies can benefit your research.   -Stable and precise sample manipulation Different optical tweezers configurations and advanced manipulation features allow you to get the most out of your sample.   -A wide variety of visualization capabilities Choose and combine from a variety of imaging methods designed specifically to solve the needs of different experimental designs.   -Introducing the new C-Trap products Dymo & Edge With the desire to constantly produce breakthrough discoveries, you need an easy-to-use instrument, fully-optimized for your applications that should bring unprecedented insights with high precision, accuracy, and reliability, in short time. Discover your solutions below!   -High throughput experiment workflow Loading your sample and analysing your data in less than 30 minutes.   -Easy and intuitive software package Check how you can completely automate your experiments using our user-centered software workflow, experience seamless process from data collection to data analysis.

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Automated Cell Imaging System ImageXpress Pico

Apoptosis Analysis

COVID-19 and Infectious Disease Research



Automated Cell Imaging System ImageXpress Pico

Microporous plate type: 6-384 well plate

Camera: CMOS

Objective lens: 2.5x-63x air mirror

Digital microscopy with automated brightfield, fluorescence, and Digital Confocal imaging The ImageXpress® Pico Automated Cell Imaging System is more than a digital microscope, combining high-resolution imaging with powerful analysis. Whether running fluorescence imaging or brightfield assays, the automated imager features a comprehensive portfolio of preconfigured protocols for cell-based assays to shorten the learning curve, so you can start running experiments quickly. With features such as Digital Confocal* 2D on-the-fly deconvolution, Autofocus, Live Preview, multi-wavelength cell scoring, and optional IN Carta® Image Analysis Software workflow, the ImageXpress Pico offers you the ability to advance your discoveries in a small, affordable imager.   Get started quickly With the icon-driven, user-friendly CellReporterXpress® Image Acquisition and Analysis Software, your entire lab can streamline their digital microscopy. Start capturing and analyzing images with minimal training.   Do more than cell counting Expand your assays with over 25 preconfigured templates optimized for many cell-based experiments including apoptosis, mitochondrial evaluation, 3D cell models, live cell/timelapse, multiwavelength cell scoring, and neurite tracing.   Automate imaging affordably Alleviate the hassle of going to the core lab to run your samples. The system’s lab-friendly price allows researchers to afford the convenience of automated imaging and analysis on their lab bench. With options like Digital Confocal, environmental control and z-stack acquisition, the system can be ordered to fit your research.   Multiple imaging modes The ImageXpress Pico system offers objectives ranging from 4x to 63x and can operate in colorimetric, brightfield, fluorescence, or Digital Confocal 2D on-the-fly deconvolution imaging modes.   Preconfigured analysis protocols Over 25 preconfigured analysis protocols ranging from simple cell counting to sophisticated neurite tracing analysis. With features like the click-to-find tool, analysis parameters can be optimized by simply clicking on a few cells that match specific criteria.   Plate-to-individual cell view Data can be visualized at multiple levels from plate overview to individual cells. A wide variety of data visualization tools from the plate and cellular level empower users to learn as much as possible from their images and assays.   Z-stack acquisition Generate sharper images for more accurate segmentation using z-stack acquisition. Acquire a series of images at different focal points to capture more detail than with a single slice. Users can include all slices or select which slices to include in the final projection.   Quickly and easily identify regions of interest Live Preview simplifies identification of regions of interest, letting users pan around the sample and interactively adjust focus with a virtual joystick, saving time and effort.   Environmental control Multi-day, time lapse, and live cell assays can be run using the onboard environmental system with options for humidity, CO2, and O2 control. Optimized to prevent z-drift, the software also provides real-time monitoring of environmental state, ensuring optimal assay conditions.  

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Miniature Two-photon Imaging System TIRM-FPM





Miniature Two-photon Imaging System TIRM-FPM

Imaging probe: high-resolution type

Weight: 2.2g

Size: 9.5x15.5x17mm3

The SUPERN0VA-600, our latest flagship product, offers flexible and diverse combination configurations. It allows for the real-time synchronization of microscopic neuronal and synaptic activity with the overall information processing of the brain and individual behaviors, providing a panoramic analysis of connectomes and functional dynamic maps. This technology ensures more efficient, stable, and continuous output of high-quality data, offering researchers an ideal comprehensive imaging solution.   High-quality Data Multiple lasers: 780, 920, 1030 nm High resolution and large FOV Synchronization with animal behaviors in high temporal resolution Integrated and Efficient Multi-color imaging Dual-headpiece dual-color imaging Compatible with optogenetics Full workflow streamlined for multi-modal imaging Stable and Scalable Modular functional design, allowing for easy expansion and upgrades Stable performance under high load operation Remote diagnosis and service available

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Automated Imaging System ImageXpress Nano

3D Cell Models

COVID-19 and Infectious Disease Research



Automated Imaging System ImageXpress Nano

Microporous plate type: 6-1536 well plates

Camera: CMOS

Objective lens: 2x-60x air mirror

Fluorescence imaging platform within reach of every lab The ImageXpress® Nano Automated Imaging System features a long life, solid state, light engine, and optics to reliably deliver the right assay sensitivity. Capture fine details of a variety of cellular and subcellular assays with this powerful and flexible fluorescent microscopy solution. The system includes MetaXpress® High-Content Image Acquisition and Analysis Software with tools for 2D and 3D imaging and time lapse analysis, as well as a range of needs from ease-of-use through to proprietary assay design.   Image label-free Brightfield imaging allows for rapid acquisition without the use of harmful fluorescent agents.   Streamline image analysis The modular toolbox in the MetaXpress® software allows for the quick setup of hundreds of routine assays. Choose from our optional selection of turnkey application modules for greater convenience.   Capture a diverse range of samples With 2x to 60x magnification, the system offers the flexibility to image whole-well (C. elegans, zebrafish), as well as sub-cellular details (vesicles, organelles).   Large field of view An entire well of a 384-well plate can be captured in a single image at 4x magnification for faster throughput.   Automated Stages Fully automated X, Y, and Z stages with resolution better than 25 nm.   Wide range of filters and objectives The system can be configured with different filters or objectives (2-60x) to meet research needs.   Five fluorescent channels The system can have up to 5 fluorescent filters installed at one time. The software allows up to 7 channels to be acquired at one time which enables multi-channel fluorescent and transmitted light imaging in one experiment.   High-speed autofocus Laser autofocus enables quick, consistent focusing across plates, slides and uneven surfaces.   Environmental control option Multi-day, time lapse and live cell assays can be run using the onboard environmental system with options for temprature, humidity, and CO2 control.  

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qPCR (NMPA 2022322175)



National Machinery


qPCR (NMPA 2022322175)

Temperature accuracy:+0.2 ℃

Temperature uniformity: 0.25 ℃

Maximum lifting rate: ≥ 16 ℃/s

The Micgene real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR instrument, with its innovative centrifugal rotor design, indeed stands out as a highly accurate and multifunctional quantitative PCR instrument. Here's a breakdown of the key features you mentioned: -Compact and Portable: The small size and lightweight design make it easy to transport and handle, even in mobile settings. This portability is a significant advantage for field research or on-site testing. -Stable Optical Path: A fixed optical path without moving parts ensures stability and eliminates the need for re-alignment or calibration after movement. This feature contributes to consistent and reliable results. -Strong Light Source: Each channel is equipped with a separate high-intensity LED excitation source, along with individual emission filters and detectors. This configuration guarantees strong signal detection and low noise. -Fast Temperature Change: The instrument utilizes magnetic induction technology for heating and forced airflow cooling, achieving rapid temperature changes. This significantly reduces the overall testing time. -Temperature Control Accuracy: The rotating aluminum rotor maintains unparalleled temperature uniformity during both static and dynamic operations. This ensures that all samples within the reaction chamber are processed consistently, avoiding sample differences and edge effects that are common in traditional plate PCR instruments.  

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Cell Avidity Analyzer z-Movi

CAR T cells

TCR T cells

Cell engagers


Cell Avidity Analyzer z-Movi

Analysis of cell count: up to 400 cells

Maximum force on 10 μ m microspheres: up to 1 nanonewton

Bright field/fluorescent lighting: LED (670 nm)/(635 nm)

Cell Avidity Analyzer   Measure cell-target binding strengths with the z-Movi Cell Avidity Analyzer to accelerate the development of immunotherapeutic strategies The z-Movi is a unique instrument that measures the avidity between immune cells and their targets, enabling you to identify the most potent immunotherapeutic effector cells. This new technology provides you with predictive, reproducible, and fast results at a single-cell resolution without compromising cell viability. All within a compact little box that easily fits inside the flow hood for sterile and safe sample handling.   How does it work? The z-Movi Cell Avidity Analyzer offers you a fast and simple solution for validating and optimizing immunotherapeutic strategies in a highly predictive and reproducible manner. By measuring cell avidity, the z-Movi provides you with quick and accurate results to characterize optimal immune cells for immunotherapy. While immuno-oncology has introduced valuable therapeutic options to clinical oncology, the efficacy of adoptive cell therapy is often challenged by hostile microenvironments, relapses, or off-target toxicities. As a result, some cancer patients undergoing immunotherapy either respond partially or not at all, and several patients experience severe adverse effects. This inconsistent response rate results from the inherently complex immune system and the context-dependent and dynamic nature of cancer cells. Clinical immunotherapeutic strategies like CAR T cell therapies, consequently, are difficult to predict, and the field lacks a proper understanding of what defines a good therapy. The z-Movi is an easy-to-use benchtop instrument that offers a crucial parameter to the field of immuno-oncology.   How can it be applied to my research? Binding events between a T cell and its target tumor cell determine the initiation of immunological synapse formation and T cell activation. Cell–cell interactions are, therefore, crucial to consider when trying to comprehend T cell response processes. Compared with affinity, cell avidity measurements enable you to compare several types of immunotherapeutic strategies, including CAR T cells, TCR T cells, bispecific antibody-engaged T cells, and NK cells.  Browse our extended list of applications to discover how this technology can benefit your research.   -Rapid experiment with the optimized workflow We have optimized the workflow of the z-Movi to facilitate the user experience and provide you with reliable and reproducible results in a matter of minutes. The z-Movi Chip is specialized to simplify cell culturing and maintain your samples in physiological conditions while you perform experiments. Once you have performed one run of analyses, you can simply flush in a new batch of effector cells. Running multiple chips sequentially allows you to measure several experimental conditions per day.   -Dive in and discover our software The only software that analyzes the avidity of hundreds of cells in parallel and real time In collaboration with end users, we have developed a fast and intuitive workflow that takes you from defining your parameters to viewing your data in no time. The powerful tracking algorithms for cell detection and measurements are performed in the background while the software generates your data live on your screen.  

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High-Content Imaging System ImageXpress Micro 4

3D Cell Models

COVID-19 and Infectious Disease Research



High-Content Imaging System ImageXpress Micro 4

Microporous plate types: 6-1536 well plates, glass slides, culture dishes, cell chips, Transwell plates, U-shaped plates, etc

Camera: sCMOS

Objective lens: 1x-100x

Widefield imaging for basic research through to high-content screening The ImageXpress® Micro 4 High-Content Imaging System is a high-throughput, widefield imager that can acquire images of whole organisms and cellular or intracellular events. It features proprietary fast frame rate technology, allowing for the capture of fast biological processes such as calcium oscillations in cardiomyocytes. It is highly configurable and adaptable to changing research needs. Available options include confocal, brightfield, phase contrast, liquid handing, and environmental control.   Support many cellular assays Image an incredible range of assays with various user-changeable filter cubes, 1-100x objectives, environmental control, fluidics option, and many sample formats including atypical plates for 3D assays.   Analyze images of more applications A selection of feature-rich turnkey application modules is available with MetaXpress® software. For the development of novel assays, we offer an optional custom analysis module.   Tailor the system to meet your needs The imager is a highly flexible solution, you can add or change many of the components as your research priorities change. Examples include enhance light engines and automation.   Multiple imaging modes The system offers fluorescence, widefield, colorimetric, phase contrast, and brightfield label-free imaging.   Upgradeable to confocal The system can be upgraded to include the proprietary AgileOptix™ technology for accurate 3D volumetric analyses.   Wide dynamic range Low and high intensity signal quantification in a single image with >3 log dynamic range intensity detection.   High speed image acquisition Using 4x magnification with a 1536-well plate, 225K wells per day can be acquired. Greater than a million wells per week can be imaged.   Optional environmental control Temperature, humidity, and CO2 control for multi-day live-cell imaging or fast kinetic studies are available.   Large magnification range Air and oil immersion objectives ranging from 1x to 100x are available for installation into the 4-position objective changer.    

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Automatic nucleic acid extractor Biopure 16


Nucleic acid



Automatic nucleic acid extractor Biopure 16

Processing volume: 50-1000ul

Sample flux: 1-16

Sample processing time: 20min-40min

Intelligent Operation -7-inch Capacitive Touch Screen: The large, intuitive touch screen interface provides a user-friendly experience, making operation simple and efficient. -Consumable Check: The ability to automatically check for misplaced or missing consumables before operation ensures accuracy and avoids wasted time. -Software Upgrades: Easy one-click software upgrades and the ability to import/export individual running programs add flexibility and convenience.   Stable, Safe, and Reliable Results -High Precision Screw Drive: This ensures smooth, quiet, and reliable operation, minimizing the risk of mechanical issues. -Adjustable Oscillation and Stirring: The multi-level adjustable oscillation amplitude and stirring speed allow for precise control, enhancing extraction efficiency. -Built-in UV Disinfection: The UV disinfection feature helps reduce cross-contamination, while the automatic shut-off after disinfection ensures safety.   Smaller, Faster, More Accurate, and More Flexible -Compact and Lightweight: The equipment's portability allows for easy movement and setup, even with just one hand. -Fast Heating: The rapid heating speed ensures quick start-up times, and the precise temperature control ensures accuracy. -Multiple Power Options: The ability to use battery, external, or DC power supply options provides flexibility in various application scenarios.

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High-Content Imaging System ImageXpress Micro Confocal

3D Cell Imaging and Analysis

COVID-19 and Infectious Disease Research

Cell Counting


High-Content Imaging System ImageXpress Micro Confocal

Microporous plate types: 6-1536 well plates, glass slides, culture dishes, cell chips, Transwell plates, U-shaped plates, etc

Camera: sCMOS

Objective lens: 1x-100x

High-content confocal imaging solution with water objective options The ImageXpress® Micro Confocal system is a high-content solution that can switch between widefield and confocal imaging of fixed and live cells. It can capture high quality images of whole organisms, thick tissues, 2D and 3D models, and cellular or intracellular events. The spinning disk confocal and sCMOS camera enable imaging of fast and rare events like cardiac cell beating and stem cell differentiation. With MetaXpress software and flexible options like water immersion objectives to choose from, the system enables many confocal imaging applications from 3D assay development to screening.   Acquire higher quality images Capture excellent contrast, high resolution images with our proprietary AgileOptix™ spinning disk confocal technology, wide field of view, and bright light source.   Customize image acquisition and analysis Take ultimate control over acquisition and analysis parameters, which enables many applications from 3D structure analysis to target imaging of specific objects within an organism or cell populations. Run more applications with standard options like water immersion objectives, environmental control, or any of our high-performance customizations.   Analyze more data in less time MetaXpress® PowerCore™ software accelerates analysis speed in a high-throughput environment. The software distributes image processing jobs to a multi-CPU environment.   Wide dynamic range Quantify low and high intensity signals in a single image with >3 log dynamic range intensity detection.   Exclusive AgileOptix spinning disk confocal The technology provides increased sensitivity with specially designed optics, high-powered, solid state light engines, and sCMOS sensor. Swappable disc geometries provide flexibility between speed and resolution.   Wide field of view Wide field of view enables whole-well confocal imaging and eliminates missed targets.   Optional on-board robotic fluidics For assays that involve compound addition, well washing, and media exchange, optional on-board robotic fluidics are available.   Accurate 3D measurements MetaXpress 3D analysis module is optimized for confocal imaging, enabling 3D measurements of volume and distance.   Multiple imaging modes The system offers phase contrast and brightfield label-free imaging, fluorescence, widefield, colorimetric, and confocal imaging, as well as, water immersion imaging as a standard option.  

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Automatic nucleic acid extractor Biopure 32(GZMDB 20230487)


Nucleic acid



Automatic nucleic acid extractor Biopure 32(GZMDB 20230487)

Processing volume: 20-1000ul

Sample flux: 1-32

Sample processing time: 10min-60min

System Overview -Application: Used for automated extraction and purification of DNA/RNA from various samples such as animal and plant tissues, blood, and body fluids. Mainly focused on human samples.   Key Features Automated Operation: -Through the adsorption, transfer, and release of magnetic beads, automated extraction and purification is achieved. -Simultaneous operation of 1-32 samples with a specially designed deep hole plate and magnetic rod sleeve. Human-Machine Interface: -Large screen full color Chinese display with touch-sensitive operation for simple and easy use. Accurate Control: -Built-in industrial computer for stable operation without the need to connect to an upper computer. -Powerful program editing functions allow flexible customization to meet different reagent schemes. Temperature Control: -Define your own cracking and elution temperatures according to specific needs. High Purity and Efficiency: -Optimized purification scheme based on reagents. -Precise incubation time achieves higher extraction efficiency. -Extracted DNA/RNA has high purity and can be directly used for PCR and RT-PCR. Stable and Reliable: -Avoids differences and errors caused by manual operations, resulting in stable results and good repeatability. Self-Cleaning: -Equipped with built-in UV disinfection function for regular cleaning. Automatic Shutdown: -After disinfection, the system can automatically turn off the power. Pollution Control: -Strict control of inter-hole contamination through precise motion control, disposable consumables, and self-cleaning.

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Nano Coulter Counter Nanocoulter G

Mammalian cells




Nano Coulter Counter Nanocoulter G

Particle size: supported

Concentration: Supported

Potential: Supported

After the invention of the microscope, combining it with a blood cell counting board became a classic method for cell counting. Experimenters usually spend several hours estimating cell numbers, and the results largely depend on the experimenters themselves, which is time-consuming and laborious, and inaccurate counting experiments are unbearable.   In 1953, the Kurt brothers first proposed the Kurt principle, which gave rise to the entire field of particle analysis due to its high accuracy, good repeatability, and fast speed. It has become the gold standard for blood cell counting, and 98% of blood analyzers use the Kurt principle. After more than half a century of development, Kurt's principle related equipment is now widely used in particle analysis in various industries and has been included in ASTM and ISO international standards.   Based on this, Resuntech (Shenzhen) Technology Co., Ltd. has developed a nano Kurt particle size analyzer, which is the world's first solid nanopore particle analysis platform. By bypassing the drawbacks of traditional optical detection methods (large particles block small particle scattering light; sample refractive index, absorbance, and viscosity affect test results), a new generation of electrical detection methods are adopted. The particle size detection lower limit of the traditional Kurt counter is lowered from the micrometer level to 50nm, and the particle size resolution can reach 1nm, achieving single particle detection of nanoparticles. Multiple dimensional data (particle size, concentration, zeta potential, morphology) are obtained in one test. High precision nanoparticle detection is required in scientific research, production quality control, process control, clinical diagnosis, pharmaceutical research and development, etc. The scene provides the most accurate data, taking you into the exciting and diverse nano world.

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High-Content Imaging System ImageXpress Confocol

3D Cell Imaging and Analysis

COVID-19 and Infectious Disease Research

Cell Painting


High-Content Imaging System ImageXpress Confocol

Microporous plate types: 6-1536 well plates, glass slides, culture dishes, cell chips, Transwell plates, U-shaped plates, etc

Camera: sCMOS

Objective lens: 1x-100x

Capture large 3D organoid and spheroid images with up to double the speed The ImageXpress® Confocal High-Content Imaging System utilizes a seven-channel laser light source with eight imaging channels to enable highly multiplexed assays while maintaining high throughput by using shortened exposure times. Water immersion objectives improve image resolution and minimize aberrations so scientists can see deeper into thick samples. The powerful combination of MetaXpress® software and IN Carta® software simplifies workflows for advanced phenotypic classification and 3D image analysis with machine learning capabilities and an intuitive user interface.   Enable greater assay flexibility Eight imaging channels with laser excitation enable more assay flexibility, higher image brightness, and flexibility to use targeted imaging such as QuickID. Automated Water Immersion objectives offer greater numerical aperture and matched refractive index between the sample and the immersion media for enhanced resolution and decreased aberrations.   Increase throughput with higher quality images Higher excitation power provides increased signal, shorter exposure times, and faster acquisitions of 3D samples. Micro-lens enhanced spinning disk confocal provides a flat field of view for more accurate and reproducible image analysis. Shorter exposure times generates up to a two-fold boost in scan speed. FRET experiments using lasers for CFP and YFP expand research.   Accelerate analysis speeds IN Carta Image Analysis Software performs complex segmentation and classification. Phenoglyphs provides a robust trainable classification, and SINAP provides trainable segmentation for any image type. Accelerate analysis speeds by 40X with multi-threaded, parallel processing with MetaXpress® PowerCore Software. Reduces time from hours to minutes, eliminating 3D analysis as a bottleneck.   High-intensity laser light source Capture images faster with shorter exposure times. Multiplex your experiments with 7 lasers and 8 imaging channels.   Accurate 3D measurements Custom Module Editor 3D analysis is optimized for confocal imaging, enabling 3D measurements of volume and distance.   Wide field of view Wide field of view enables whole-well confocal imaging and eliminates missed targets. Next-generation dual microlens enhanced spinning disk technology provides a large, flat field of view for more accurate and reproducible analysis.   Exclusive AgileOptix™ spinning disk technology Provides increased sensitivity with specially designed optics, high-powered laser illumination, and sCMOS sensor. Swappable disk geometries provide flexibility between speed and resolution.   IN Carta Image Analysis Software Leverages machine learning to improve the accuracy and robustness of high-content image analysis, delivering data insights that other technologies miss. Reduces the complexity of image analysis with intuitive guided workflows in a modern user interface.   Multiple imaging modes The system offers phase contrast and brightfield label-free imaging, widefield and confocal fluorescent imaging with water immersion optics as a standard option.   Automated water immersion objective technology Offers greater image resolution and sensitivity with up to 4x increase in signal leading to lower exposure times.   Wide dynamic range Quantifies low and high intensity signals in a single image with >3 log dynamic range intensity detection.    

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Portable nucleic acid testing work box


Nucleic Acid



Portable nucleic acid testing work box

Composition: Micgene242 QPCR instrument

: Mini centrifuge

: Mini dry bath

The mobile nucleic acid testing work box offered by Guangzhou Bio-key Health Technology Co., Ltd. addresses two significant challenges in conducting nucleic acid testing: the need for a professional PCR laboratory and professional nucleic acid testing capabilities. By providing a one-stop solution that does not rely on specialized facilities, it enables users to quickly establish nucleic acid testing capabilities, even without a professional background.   The core component of this system is the Micgene real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR (QF-PCR) instrument, which utilizes QPCR technology. This technology allows for rapid detection, typically within about 1 hour, significantly reducing the time required for test results. The operation of this instrument is designed to be simple and intuitive, making it easy to understand and use even for personnel without a professional background in molecular biology or nucleic acid testing. The system automatically interprets the test results, further simplifying the process for non-experts.   The compact and portable design of the work box allows for on-site testing, meeting the needs of users who require regular nucleic acid testing but may not have access to a traditional laboratory environment. This flexibility and ease of use make the mobile nucleic acid testing work box an ideal solution for a wide range of applications, including disease surveillance, outbreak response, and clinical diagnostics.

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Nano Coulter Counter Nanocoulter S

Mammalian cells




Nano Coulter Counter Nanocoulter S

Particle size: supported

Concentration: Supported

Potential: Supported

After the invention of the microscope, combining it with a blood cell counting board became a classic method for cell counting. Experimenters usually spend several hours estimating cell numbers, and the results largely depend on the experimenters themselves, which is time-consuming and laborious, and inaccurate counting experiments are unbearable.   In 1953, the Kurt brothers first proposed the Kurt principle, which gave rise to the entire field of particle analysis due to its high accuracy, good repeatability, and fast speed. It has become the gold standard for blood cell counting, and 98% of blood analyzers use the Kurt principle. After more than half a century of development, Kurt's principle related equipment is now widely used in particle analysis in various industries and has been included in ASTM and ISO international standards.   Based on this, Resuntech (Shenzhen) Technology Co., Ltd. has developed a nano Kurt particle size analyzer, which is the world's first solid nanopore particle analysis platform. By bypassing the drawbacks of traditional optical detection methods (large particles block small particle scattering light; sample refractive index, absorbance, and viscosity affect test results), a new generation of electrical detection methods are adopted. The particle size detection lower limit of the traditional Kurt counter is lowered from the micrometer level to 50nm, and the particle size resolution can reach 1nm, achieving single particle detection of nanoparticles. Multiple dimensional data (particle size, concentration, zeta potential, morphology) are obtained in one test. High precision nanoparticle detection is required in scientific research, production quality control, process control, clinical diagnosis, pharmaceutical research and development, etc. The scene provides the most accurate data, taking you into the exciting and diverse nano world.

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High-Throughput Cellular Screening System FLIPR Penta

Cardiomyocyte screening


Disease Modeling


High-Throughput Cellular Screening System FLIPR Penta

Microporous plate types: 96 well plate, 384 well plate, 1536 well plate

Wavelength range: Calcium flow detection excitation wavelength 470-495nm, emission filter wavelength 515-575nm

Membrane potential detection excitation wavelength 510-545nm, emission wavelength 565-625nm, etc

An industry-renowned instrument for monitoring GPCRs and ion channels Powered by a new, optional high-speed EMCCD camera and the new Peak Pro 2 software module, the new FLIPR® Penta High-Throughput Cellular Screening System allows you to measure and analyze peaks of human-derived induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs), differentiated into cardiomyocytes and neurons, up to 100 times per second and quickly cherry pick events such as Early Afterdepolarization-like events (EAD-like events), fibrillation, and irregular beating. Since its introduction, the system has developed a reputation for reliability and ease of use. The system can be configured based on library size, detection mode, screening format, assay, and target, making the transition from assay development to lead optimization a seamless process.   Assess toxicity effects The HS-EMCCD camera option allows for up to 100 measurements per second, providing detailed information about cardiomyocyte and/or neuronal oscillation. Combined with the ScreenWorks® Peak Pro 2 software analysis module, compound-induced pro-arrhythmic effects such as EAD-like events can be easily identified and flagged.   Identify lead compounds With seven LED sets, many filter options, and fluorescence or luminescence detection, the FLIPR system supports many assays, including calcium flux, potassium, and membrane potential.   Configure to your throughput The FLIPR Penta system can be configured to match user needs. From manual assays to automated solutions, to measuring 96-, 384-, or 1536-well samples at a time, to using wash or no-wash assay kits in adherent mode, the system can be upgraded as needs change in the future.   Complex event analysis ScreenWorks Peak Pro 2 software analysis, powered by pCLAMP 11, gives you the unique ability to characterize calcium oscillation peak data in one software program. Compounds can be flagged that cause waveform irregularities that may indicate hazards for arrhythmia, seizures, or other toxicity effects quickly and without having to export data. Distinctly different calcium oscillations in neurons can also be characterized.   Configurable optics The FLIPR Penta system can be matched to user needs starting with a standard EMCCD camera, a more cost-effective solution that is perfect for GPCR and Membrane Potential assays, or with the new HS EMCCD that can capture up to 100 images per second and offers exceptional luminescence performance. The camera, LEDs, and filters can be configured at the time of purchase or later when assay needs change.   User-changeable pipette modules Pipette heads can be changed in minutes without the use of tools from 96, 384, or 1536 channels to accommodate assay throughput needs.   Ease of use ScreenWorks software seamlessly incorporates drag-and-drop protocols, intuitive buttons, and color-coded plate layout to simplify workflows. View signal traces, EC50 curves, and Z factors on-the-fly without having to export data to another software program.   Validated solution Purchasing a FLIPR system from Molecular Devices assures users that they are investing in a technology that can grow with them. Hardware, software, and assay kits have been validated on the system by an industry-renowned leader with over 40 years of experience.   Custom automation options* The drug discovery process has shared methods, yet each project is unique. The Advanced Workflow Engineering Solutions Team offers a variety of customized services from automated compound plate delivery to fully integrated workstations with automated incubation.    

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Nucleic acid extraction kit

Nucleic Acid


Test Kit


Nucleic acid extraction kit

Principle: Nanomagnetic particles

Sample types: blood, serum, urine, nasopharyngeal swabs, cells, feces, tissue specimens, bacterial species, insects, etc

The reagent kit employs superparamagnetic magnetic nanoparticles with high binding affinity as its matrix. In a high-concentration ionizing agent environment, these nanoparticles effectively adsorb nucleic acids through hydrogen bonding and electrostatic attraction, while excluding proteins and other impurities. After adsorption, the nucleic acid-bound nanoparticles undergo a washing step to remove proteins and salts. Finally, the nucleic acid is eluted from the particles using a low-salt buffer. The magnetic beads, featuring specialized surface modifications, exhibit enhanced nucleic acid binding capacity and elution efficiency, thereby significantly reducing the risk of cross-contamination and improving detection sensitivity and accuracy. This reagent is suitable for isolating high-purity pathogen nucleic acid (DNA/RNA) from a wide range of samples, including liquid specimens like blood, serum, plasma, urine, nasopharyngeal swabs, and cell cultures. Solid samples, such as feces, tissue specimens, bacterial strains, and insects, require preliminary processing, with the use of suspension centrifugation supernatant as an alternative. The extracted nucleic acid can be directly utilized in applications like fluorescence quantitative PCR, biochip analysis, next-generation sequencing, and other related experiments.

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Aquatic Disease Nucleic Acid Detection Kit





Aquatic Disease Nucleic Acid Detection Kit


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Pet Disease Nucleic Acid Testing Kit





Pet Disease Nucleic Acid Testing Kit


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Automatic Fluorescence Cell Analyzer Jupita


Cell Analyzer



Automatic Fluorescence Cell Analyzer Jupita

Cell concentration: 1x104-3x 107/ml

Consumables: patented six digit counting board

Counting time: 2s

Jupita is a full-automatic multi-channel cell fluorescence analyzer introduced by Newton Optics. It is based on image detection and combines multi-fluorescence channels to collect cell information in the image for quantitative analysis of cell samples. Jupita combines cell image analysis and counting with fluorescence analysis to provide both bright-field cell counting statistics and analysis results for up to 12 combinations of fluorescence channels.   Patented fully automatic/autofocus cell fluorescence analysis system Jupita adopts Newton optical self-developed automatic cell fluorescence analysis control scheme, and cooperates with stepping motor and joystick to control sample entry, movement and precise positioning, thus realizing multi-channel and multi-field sampling. Jupita can fully automatic focus processing of samples to ensure clear images and accurate results. The design of double laser beam excitation light source and filter turntable greatly improves the stability and operability of the system. Reliable, accurate and fast image processing system Jupita fluorescence analyzer uses industrial-grade high-pixel CMOS, LED excitation light source and filter. In the counting process, each sample is sampled in three fields of view, and the image information of the sample bright field and selected fluorescence channel is collected at the same time. Larger sample collection ensures the accuracy of the count, and it is verified that the fitting R2 value of the count result is greater than 0.999 *. With the integrated control system and efficient algorithm, Jupita cell analyzer can complete the fluorescence analysis of a single field of view in 10 seconds, and the fluorescence analysis results of 6 samples and 18 sampling fields can be obtained in 5 minutes.   Fully automatic multi-fluorescence synchronous detection, a variety of applications at a touch Jupita can provide up to 4 excitation lights and 2 filters to meet the needs of various cell applications. Jupita has a built-in full-automatic optical path switching system. A single experiment can detect the results of 2 channels at the same time. The software presets a variety of commonly used dyes/fluorescent proteins and corresponding spectral combinations for selection. You only need to set up the required experimental scheme and leave the rest to Jupita.

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Animal Husbandry Disease Nucleic Acid Detection Kit

Animal Husbandry




Animal Husbandry Disease Nucleic Acid Detection Kit


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PCR Thermal Cycler PTC Tempo


Thermal Cycler



PCR Thermal Cycler PTC Tempo

Hot cover type: automatic

Airborne operating system: Linux

Heating and cooling methods: Peltier effect

The PTC Tempo Thermal Cycler represents the next generation of conventional PCR thermal cyclers from Bio-Rad. Engineered to maintain thermal performance that delivers accurate results, the PTC Tempo Thermal Cycler offers the flexibility to scale with your laboratory. The new design features a refreshed, intuitive user interface and flexible connectivity options for streamlining protocol management. A motorized lid enables automation, taking your PCR to the next level with modern instrument control.   The PTC Tempo Thermal Cycler is available in multiple fixed-block configurations: PTC Tempo 96 Thermal Cycler for most general PCR applications and PTC Tempo Deepwell Thermal Cycler with larger volumes up to 125 µl.   Features and Benefits -Programmable thermal gradient – for optimization of annealing temperatures -Large touch screen – for streamlined protocol programming and editing -Heated lid – for use with various vessels and sealer types -Expanded connectivity – WiFi, ethernet, and USB -Automated lid – for integration with automation robotics -Cloud connectivity: create and send protocols from your cloud platform -Network storage drive access for excellent data management   Applications and Uses  -Amplification/PCR -Cloning -Cycle sequencing -Gene expression studies -Mutagenesis

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Cell Counter Zorro

Cell Analyzer



Cell Counter Zorro

Cell concentration: 1x104-3x 107/ml

Consumables: patented six digit counting board

Counting time: 2s

-Independent R & D and production -Based on the classic trypan blue staining exclusion method -Unique LED indicator design -Faster, less expensive, smaller, more accurate, more intuitive -Compatible with multiple cell morphologies and accurate counting -Excellent algorithm automatically filters cell debris and background noise   Cytometer-Zorro (smaller/less/more accurate) Intelligent compact model easy to operate, one step to complete The time to test a sample is only 2s, and a counting plate can be used. Test 6 samples, indicator light design, to ensure the stability of the data;

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Electroporation System Gemini X2

CRISPR transfections

Suspension and adherent cells

In vivo, in ovo and in utero gene and drug delivery


Electroporation System Gemini X2

Voltage: 5-3000V

Pulse time: 10 μ s -999 ms

Pulse interval time: 100ms-30s

The Gemini Twin Wave Electroporators are flexible systems allowing both square wave and exponential decay wave electroporation in a single unit. Ideal for all of your electroporation needs, including CRISPR, in vivo, in vitro, in ovo and more. Systems for cuvettes or plates. These waveform combinations enable researchers to easily and efficiently electroporate eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells in cuvettes or plates with one easy-to-use setup. Prokaryotic cells typically respond well to exponential decay wave pulses and eukaryotic cells are transfected most efficiently with square wave pulses. Combining these two waveforms gives researchers total flexibility to achieve the highest efficiency for their applications.   FEATURES & BENEFITS -Square wave and exponential decay waves power in a single unit -Multiple pulsing capabilities in both square and exponential decay waveforms (X2 systems) -Large 7-inch, easy-to-use touch screen interface -Universal electroporation – transfects cells in vitro, in vivo, in ovo and adherent forms -Preset protocols – includes the most common eukaryotic and prokaryotic cell types -User-defined protocols – unlimited ability to add and modify protocols -Safety – displays resistance measurements for each pulse with three layers of arc protection -Data management – stores logs of every pulse delivered for QC and troubleshooting  

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PCR Thermal Cycler T100™


Thermal Cycler



PCR Thermal Cycler T100™

Hot cover type: automatic

Heating and cooling methods: Peltier effect

Maximum temperature rise and fall rate: 4 ° C

The T100 thermal cycler is a small thermal cycler offering a comprehensive set of convenient features in a small footprint. This compact thermal cycler features an intuitive touch-screen user interface to make running PCR easy. Thermal gradient technology allows you to quickly optimize your reaction in a single run. With its robust design, the T100 system is a reliable personal thermal cycler that delivers exceptional performance for years — Launch the System Tour to test drive the T100 thermal cycler now.   Features and Benefits of the T100 Thermal Cycler -Intuitive touch screen — easy programming using a large color touch screen and intuitive interface -Consistent results — robust design ensures effective and consistent performance run to run -Easy optimization — this gradient thermal cycler allows fast PCR optimization using a unique thermal gradient -Easy protocol management — protocols can be organized using personalized folders or a USB flash drive -Small space-saving footprint — the T100 is a compact thermal cycler that fits in any laboratory   BioRad T100 Thermal Cycler Users Around the World Life science researchers all over the world use the T100 thermal cycler in their daily routine. In this video, real-world users describe how it saves them time and helps them consistently obtain high-quality data, with high uniformity and reproducibility. The T100 thermal cycler is praised for being user-friendly, reliable, and enjoyable to use via the touch-screen interface.   Applications and Uses for the T100 Thermal Cycler -Nucleic acid amplification (PCR) -Gene cloning and analysis -Gene expression analysis -Mutational analysis -Cycle sequencing

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Automated Cell Counter Venus

Cell Analyzer



Automated Cell Counter Venus

Cell concentration: 1x104-3x 107/ml

Consumables: patented six digit counting board

Counting time: 2s

Venus is a full-automatic portable high-throughput cell counter introduced by Newton Optics, which can count all kinds of cells in high-throughput bright field and trypan blue. Venus adopts split design and EasyFive six-digit cell counting plate, which can realize accurate counting of 6 samples and 30 visual fields in one step, and the time is only 1 minute. The unique portable design greatly improves the space utilization of the laboratory.   Patented fully automatic/autofocus cell viability analysis system *  Venus uses Newtonian optical self-developed automatic cell viability analysis control scheme, with stepper motor and joystick control sample entry, movement and precise positioning, the use of high-speed camera to obtain images, combined with analysis software, complete cell count analysis. At the same time, thanks to the inverted microscopic imaging optical path design and compact automatic focusing mobile structure *,Venus has achieved a technological breakthrough of smaller size and higher degree of automation. Fully automated design brings less human factor errors, thereby improving experimental efficiency and accuracy. * A new automatic cell counter. ZL 202020922280.2 (Authorized) * A compact electric focusing moving structure for inverted microscopic imaging. ZL 202021861178.2 (Authorized)   Stable, high-speed, high-throughput image analysis technology  The Venus cell counter uses a high-pixel industrial-grade CMOS sensor. In the counting process, each sample is sampled in 5 fields of view, and the average value is automatically calculated. A larger sample collection volume ensures the accuracy of the count. It is verified that the R2 value of the counting result fitting is greater than 0.999 *. At the same time, with the integrated control system and efficient algorithm, compared with the traditional blood cell counting board manual counting 1 × 106 cells takes about 5 minutes, Venus cell counting instrument only takes 2 seconds. In 1 minute, accurate results * for 6 samples and 30 sampling fields can be obtained *. * Results from cell count tests on RAW264.7,Siha at gradient concentrations, respectively * Results from a single six-sample fully automated test of suspension culture cells at a concentration of 1 × 106   Fully self-developed artificial intelligence algorithm  As the key technology of cell counter, intelligent image recognition and analysis algorithm determines the accuracy and stability of the counting results. Venus cell counter uses Newton optical self-developed artificial intelligence algorithm. After testing and verification, for the same sample, the CV value of single field count is less than 10%, and the CV value of multi-field count is less than 5%. In addition, Newton optics is specially optimized for small diameter, high density, cluster cells, cell debris and other special cell samples, which greatly broadens the scope of application of the cell counter. And, Newton optics will continue to optimize the algorithm design, software free iterative upgrade, suitable for more cell system.  

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Electroporation System Gemini SC

CRISPR transfections

Suspension and adherent cells

In vivo, in ovo and in utero gene and drug delivery


Electroporation System Gemini SC

Voltage: 5-3000V

Pulse time: 50 μ s -100ms

Pulse interval time: 100ms-30s

The Gemini Twin Wave Electroporators are flexible systems allowing both square wave and exponential decay wave electroporation in a single unit. Ideal for all of your electroporation needs, including CRISPR, in vivo, in vitro, in ovo and more. Systems for cuvettes or plates. These waveform combinations enable researchers to easily and efficiently electroporate eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells in cuvettes or plates with one easy-to-use setup. Prokaryotic cells typically respond well to exponential decay wave pulses and eukaryotic cells are transfected most efficiently with square wave pulses. Combining these two waveforms gives researchers total flexibility to achieve the highest efficiency for their applications.   FEATURES & BENEFITS -Square wave and exponential decay waves power in a single unit -Multiple pulsing capabilities in both square and exponential decay waveforms (X2 systems) -Large 7-inch, easy-to-use touch screen interface -Universal electroporation – transfects cells in vitro, in vivo, in ovo and adherent forms -Preset protocols – includes the most common eukaryotic and prokaryotic cell types -User-defined protocols – unlimited ability to add and modify protocols -Safety – displays resistance measurements for each pulse with three layers of arc protection -Data management – stores logs of every pulse delivered for QC and troubleshooting  

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Real-Time PCR Systems CFX Opus





Real-Time PCR Systems CFX Opus

Hot cover type: automatic

Heating and cooling methods: Peltier

Maximum temperature rise and fall rate: 5 ° C

Choose the CFX Opus Real-time PCR System for the reliability you depend on from Bio-Rad with improved connectivity and performance for your modern lab. The CFX Opus System is the next evolution in qPCR from Bio-Rad. With improved thermal performance and our proprietary, accurate optical shuttle system, your data will be more consistent than ever. A sleek, modern design includes a refreshed and easy-to-use interface with new connectivity options and features. In addition to ethernet compatibility, the CFX Opus System can connect directly to Wi-Fi for completely wireless operation and data retrieval. The CFX Opus System is capable of stand-alone operation and direct data transfer to a USB device, or it can be connected to a computer. With internet connectivity, the CFX Opus System can be programmed to send your data and notifications directly to your email or local networked drive, enabling easy access by collaborators or from other network-connected locations. CFX Opus is available in three different block configurations: CFX Opus 96 for most general qPCR applications, CFX Opus 384 for larger throughput needs, and CFX Opus Deepwell with larger volumes up to 125 µl.   Features and Benefits -Quick system set up — easy installation and factory-calibrated optics -Our best thermal uniformity and accuracy to date -Offers Wi-Fi connectivity and cloud platform analysis tools -Sensitive modern touch screen — responsive even with double gloves -Updated interface is easier to use and more intuitive than ever -Uniform optical system free of regular calibration requirements -Audit and e-signature compatibility with CFX Maestro Security Edition Software -Available in 96-well (5-color detection) and 384-well (4-color detection) formats   Applications and Uses -Gene expression without requiring ROX -End-point analysis for sequence detection -Protein thermal shift assays -Assay optimization with thermal gradient  

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PCR Thermal Cycler


Thermal Cycler



PCR Thermal Cycler

Hot cover type: automatic

Airborne operating system: Linux

Heating and cooling methods: Peltier effect

The C1000 Touch thermal cycler offers superior performance and a large color touch screen for easy programming. This fully modular platform is able to accommodate different throughput needs with easily interchangeable reaction modules that swap in seconds without tools. Each PCR module has a fully adjustable heated lid that supports a wide range of vessels and sealers, including low-profile and standard-height PCR plates.   Features and Benefits -Quick and easy protocol programming — 2 programming options, including the Protocol Autowriter, which automatically generates customized standard, fast, and ultrafast protocols -Easy protocol editing — the large color touch screen and redesigned navigation make editing and running protocols easy -Flexible platform — increase throughput capability by linking up to 3 additional S1000 thermal cyclers or adding PC control for up to 32 cyclers -Convenient file management — keep protocols organized using personalized folders or a USB flash drive -Thermal gradient — quickly and easily identify optimal annealing temperatures by using the programmable temperature gradient   Applications and Uses -Amplification/PCR -Cloning -Cycle sequencing -Gene expression studies -Mutagenesis   The C1000 Touch thermal cycler can be used with six interchangeable reaction modules, including: -A gradient-enabled 96-well fast module -A gradient-enabled 96–deep well module -A gradient-enabled dual 48/48-well fast module that allows 2 independently controlled protocols to be run side by side in a single bay -A gradient-enabled 384-well module for high throughput -2 modules for real-time PCR detection

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Electroporation System Agile Pulse™ In Vivo

Vaccine development

Intra-dermal gene delivery

Intra-muscular gene delivery


Electroporation System Agile Pulse™ In Vivo

Voltage: 50-1000V

Pulse time: 5 μ s -10 ms

Pulse interval time: 20 μ s-1s

The AgilePulse In Vivo System, used for animal immunization, vaccine development, and gene therapy, provides an intra-muscular, intra-dermal, or intra-tumor electroporation solution to produce maximum transfection efficiency. Traditional in vivo nucleic acid delivery systems, such as gene gun delivery, suffer from poor efficiency. The AgilePulse In Vivo System effectively introduces DNA or RNA into the target tissue, representing a powerful and safe means for stimulating an immune response that recognizes and eliminates target molecules in the body. For vaccine applications, DNA vaccination through the dermal layer is preferred since it is an easily accessible site that is immunologically active. After direct injection of plasmid DNA in the dermal layer, a programmed sequence of electric pulses is applied through a miniature parallel needle electrode array to promote cellular uptake and transfection. Cells in the surrounding tissue are transfected, including dendritic antigen-presenting cells and mesenchymal origin cells. Gene expression simulates the immune system to respond to the secreted antigen. Gene expression in skin is 100-fold higher when delivery is enhanced by electroporation compared to simply injecting plasmid DNA (Roos, et. al. 2009). Features -Simple User Interface—touch screen user interface, USB key data storage, and Windows® Mobile 6.0 operating system. The system automatically stores a digitized record of all pulse parameters for quality control. EN 60601-1, EN 60601-1-1 EN 60601-1-2, UL60601-1 and CSA601.1 compliant. -Pulse Agile® Advantage—patented Pulse Agile technology combines a unique sequence of short, high-intensity pulses to open pores in cell membranes, followed by long, low-intensity pulses to further drive the DNA into cells via electrophoresis. The adjustable pulses improve efficiency while maintaining cell viability. The specialized use of the Pulse Agile waveform has shown to significantly enhance antigen specific CD8+ T-cell response when standard protocols do not. -Uniform, Reliable Electroporation—AgilePulse parallel-needle arrays produce uniform electric fields across the treatment area for a more thorough transfection of the tissue. Electrode impedance is monitored through software analysis to ensure reliable electrode placement in tissue each and every time. -Simple, Fast Treatment—simple yet effective intra-dermal or intramuscular electrode design allows for shorter delivery times of less than a second. The electrodes provide a uniform pulse to cover and target larger areas of tissue using a single pulsing application. -Optimal Design—miniature, 2-mm length needles easily penetrate the layers of skin or muscle and target cells for high efficiency gene delivery. -Safety—Each needle electrode array comes with a safety cover and easy grip sides to make the electrode insertion procedure simple and safe.

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PCR 热循环仪 S1000


Thermal Cycler



PCR 热循环仪 S1000

Hot cover type: automatic

Heating and cooling methods: Peltier effect

Hot cover temperature range: 30-100 ° C

PCR Thermal Cycler   The S1000 thermal cycler combines powerful performance with streamlined features. The cycler can be used as a stand-alone instrument for PCR, or it can be connected to a C1000 Touch™ thermal cycler for additional throughput. Up to three S1000 cyclers can be connected to a C1000 Touch cycler, and the four cyclers can then be conveniently controlled as one high-throughput instrument.   Features and Benefits -Flexible platform — choice of 4 interchangeable reaction modules; change throughput capability by linking up to 3 S1000 cyclers to a C1000 Touch cycler or adding PC control for up to 32 cyclers -Exceptional thermal performance — the patented* reduced-mass honeycomb sample block delivers fast ramping and settling times for reliable results and reduced run times -Optimal sealing — the fully adjustable heated lid accommodates a wide range of reaction vessels -Thermal gradient — quickly and easily identify optimal annealing temperatures by using the programmable temperature gradient Applications and Uses -Amplification/PCR -Cloning -Cycle sequencing -Gene expression studies -Mutagenesis   The S1000 cycler can be used with four interchangeable reaction modules, including: -A gradient-enabled 96-well fast module -A gradient-enabled 96–deep well module -A gradient-enabled dual 48/48-well fast module that allows 2 independently controlled protocols to be run side by side in a single bay -A gradient-enabled 384-well module

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Electroporation System Agile Pulse™ MAX

CRISPR transfections

Transfect cells such as bone marrow to produce or replace a missing protein

Deliver siRNA to suppress gene expression


Electroporation System Agile Pulse™ MAX

Voltage: 50-1200V

Pulse time: 5 μ s -10 ms

Pulse interval time: 20 μ s-1s

The AgilePulse MAX System is an advanced electroporation solution for fast, efficient transfection of up to 10 ml of cell suspension. Specifically engineered for large-volume applications, our system maximizes cellular uptake with minimal heating and short cycle-time to ensure high cell viability in further cell processing.   The AgilePulse MAX System is simple to use. Cells and polynucleotide are suspended in our proprietary BTXpress Cytoporation Medium T or Cytoporation Medium T4 and transferred via sterile syringe to the large volume electroporation chamber where a programmed sequence of electric pulses is applied. First, a sequence of short, high-intensity pulses opens pores in the cell membranes. These are followed by long, low-intensity pulses that drive the material into cells via electrophoresis. Our patented PulseAgile technology optimizes these pulse parameters to maximize efficiency and cell viability.   The system includes a user-friendly, programmable waveform generator with patented PulseAgile technology, our patent-pending large-volume electroporation chamber, and proprietary BTXpress Cytoporation Medium T, optimized for large volume electroporation. The system is engineered to provide uniform electric fields in a stable temperature environment for excellent cell viability.   Features -Scale-up—transfection protocols readily scale-up from standard laboratory cuvettes to large-volume transfection in the AgilePulse MAX system.   -Maximal Efficiency with Cytoporation Medium—BTXpress Cytoporation Medium T used with the AgilePulse MAX system has been optimized for maximal efficiency with a number of cell lines, including K562, A20, HEK293 and CHO-KI. It is compatible with a large range of transfectants including DNA, RNA, siRNA, and olignonucleotides. It can be directly diluted in complete growth medium for post-electroporation cell culture.   -Simple User Interface—all controls are operated with the simple touch screen on the front panel. Data is quickly retrieved by USB key and can be analyzed for detailed pulse characteristics including pulse and pulse current.   -Pulse Agile® Advantage—transfection efficiency and cell viability are enhanced by specialized, programmable electrical pulse waveforms, particularly important for larger polynucleotide delivery such as DNA plasmids. The patented Pulse Agile technology combines a unique sequence of short high-intensity pulses to porate cell membranes, followed by long low-intensity pulses to further drive transfectants into cells via electrophoresis, while maintaining cell viability.  

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Droplet Digital PCR System QX200


Digital PCR



Droplet Digital PCR System QX200

Sample volume: 20'l

Flux: 1-8 samples/droplet generation card

Total number of droplets/sample: 20000

The QX200 Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR) System provides absolute quantification of target DNA or RNA molecules for EvaGreen or probe-based digital PCR applications. Benefits of the QX200 Droplet Digital PCR System Most precise and sensitive digital PCR solution for a wide variety of applications Flexible digital PCR chemistry — optimized for TaqMan Hydrolysis Probe and EvaGreen Assays Flexible assay setup — scalable for high sensitivity or high throughput Simple and easy-to-use workflow with 96-sample throughput Droplet partitioning by the QX200 Droplet Digital technology reduces bias from amplification efficiency and PCR inhibitors Convenient assay design — standard curves are not required See performance data for the QX200 Droplet Digital PCR System. Watch our Success Stories videos to learn more about the applications of the Droplet Digital System in diverse research fields. View our Droplet Digital PCR reference library with links to scientific journal articles, conference posters, BioRadiations articles and Bio-Rad technical reports. Applications of the QX200 Droplet Digital PCR System Cancer biomarker studies and copy number variation Measure varying degrees of cancer mutations, detect rare DNA target copies, and resolve copy number variation states with superior sensitivity and resolution. PrimePCR ddPCR Assays are now available for mutation and copy number detection. These are predesigned, wet-lab validated assays. Pathogen detection Employ the extreme precision of the QX200 System to quantify small fold changes in target DNA or RNA molecules in pathogen detection and monitoring. Next generation sequencing Perform accurate quantification and qualification of NGS libraries without the use of a standard curve. Gene expression analysis Achieve reliable and reproducible measurements of small fold changes for low abundance of mRNA and miRNA. Environmental monitoring Test a wide variety of environmental samples like soil and water using the QX200 System. Food testing Perform routine evaluation of genetically modified organisms (GMO) using validated ddPCR methods.

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Patch-Clamp Amplifiers Axon

Current Clamp Amplifier

Drug Discovery & Development



Patch-Clamp Amplifiers Axon

Seal test: Supported

Holding potential range: -/+ 200 mV for dSEVC and TEVC modes

Holding current range: Up to -/+ 1/Ro (feedback resistor)

Patch-clamp amplifiers from single channels to large macroscopic recordings The Axon Instruments® series of amplifiers provide best-in-class solutions for the entire range of patch-clamp experiments. The portfolio of amplifiers includes Axopatch™ 200B for ultra low-noise single-channel recordings, MultiClamp™ 700B for whole-cell voltage-clamp and high-speed current-clamp recordings, and Axoclamp™ 900A for two-electrode voltage-clamp and current-clamp recordings.   Maximize signal to noise ratio The Axopatch 200B Capacitor Feedback Patch Clamp Amplifier offers one of the lowest-noise single-channel recordings available via innovative capacitor-feedback technology.   Perform multi-channel experiments The MultiClamp 700B Microelectrode Amplifier enables whole-cell voltage-clamp and current-clamp recordings. It is the most versatile amplifier in the portfolio.   Measure large currents Large output compliance range of our Axoclamp 900A Microelectrode Amplifier facilitates the measurement of large and rapid voltage-clamp and current-clamp recordings.   Actively cooled headstage The Axopatch 200B amplifier features proprietary technology that provides active headstage cooling that reduces electrical noise close to the theoretical limits of physics.   Software control of settings The MultiClamp 700B and Axoclamp 900A amplifiers offer software control. Software control streamlines setup, and enables automation of parameters, telegraphing, and advanced protocols.   Support up to four headstages The MultiClamp 700B supports up to two primary CV-7B headstages and two optional auxiliary headstages (HS-2 or VG-2 type) enabling multi-channel recording for cellular network studies.   Large output compliance range The Axoclamp 900A amplifier supports the measurement of larger currents and ensures faster clamp speed (±180 V in TEVC and HVIC modes).   Multiple modes of operation The Axoclamp 900A amplifier offers 5 modes of operation: current clamp, discontinuous current clamp, two-electrode voltage clamp, discontinuous single-electrode voltage clamp, high-voltage current clamp.   Works with any data acquisition system The family of amplifiers integrates with most data acquisition programs. The pCLAMP™ 11 Software and DigiData® 1550B system for data acquisition and analysis provide optimal performance.  

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Chromatography Systems NGC Quest





Chromatography Systems NGC Quest

System pump flow rate range: F10 Pump: 0.001-10 ml/min (normal range)

System pump flow rate range: F100 pump 0.01-100 ml/min (normal range)

Sample pump flow rate range: 0.01-100 ml/min

The family of NGC Medium-Pressure Chromatography Systems fit your throughput requirements when purifying biomolecules at laboratory-scale. Each system is composed of interchangeable valves and pumps that confer different system capabilities.   The preconfigured NGC Liquid Chromatography Systems listed below are designed with increasing automation and throughput to serve a wide range of laboratory needs: -NGC Quest 10 Plus Systems — for separating biomolecules at high resolution using accurate gradients -NGC Scout 10 Plus Systems — for medium throughput applications requiring rapid scouting of protein purification conditions with automated gradients and buffer preparation -NGC Discover 10 and NGC Discover 10 Pro Systems — for higher throughput applications with rapid, robust automation and a need for method development For an overview of the features and capabilities of the four NGC Chromatography Systems, view the NGC 10 System comparison chart and watch the NGC System Tour. The NGC Systems are composed of interchangeable modules that confer different system capabilities. Browse the module selection guide to help you decide which system is best for you, or use our online tool to configure your personalized NGC Instrument.   Multidimensional (Multi-D) Chromatography with NGC Systems Multi-D chromatography is a feature of the NGC Systems that automates multistep purifications using complementary strategies to isolate your product of interest at high yields and purity levels run after run. Compared to traditional sequential chromatography workflows, which require running single columns sequentially, Multi-D sets up an automated workflow and consolidates day-long methods to hour-long protocols without requiring the intervention of users, allowing them to save valuable time.  

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Chromatography Systems NGC Scout





Chromatography Systems NGC Scout

System pump flow rate range: F10 Pump: 0.001-10 ml/min (normal range)

System pump flow rate range: F100 pump 0.01-100 ml/min (normal range)

Sample pump flow rate range: 0.01-100 ml/min

The family of NGC Medium-Pressure Chromatography Systems fit your throughput requirements when purifying biomolecules at laboratory-scale. Each system is composed of interchangeable valves and pumps that confer different system capabilities.   The preconfigured NGC Liquid Chromatography Systems listed below are designed with increasing automation and throughput to serve a wide range of laboratory needs: -NGC Quest 10 Plus Systems — for separating biomolecules at high resolution using accurate gradients -NGC Scout 10 Plus Systems — for medium throughput applications requiring rapid scouting of protein purification conditions with automated gradients and buffer preparation -NGC Discover 10 and NGC Discover 10 Pro Systems — for higher throughput applications with rapid, robust automation and a need for method development For an overview of the features and capabilities of the four NGC Chromatography Systems, view the NGC 10 System comparison chart and watch the NGC System Tour. The NGC Systems are composed of interchangeable modules that confer different system capabilities. Browse the module selection guide to help you decide which system is best for you, or use our online tool to configure your personalized NGC Instrument.   Multidimensional (Multi-D) Chromatography with NGC Systems Multi-D chromatography is a feature of the NGC Systems that automates multistep purifications using complementary strategies to isolate your product of interest at high yields and purity levels run after run. Compared to traditional sequential chromatography workflows, which require running single columns sequentially, Multi-D sets up an automated workflow and consolidates day-long methods to hour-long protocols without requiring the intervention of users, allowing them to save valuable time.

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Chromatography Systems NGC Discover





Chromatography Systems NGC Discover

System pump flow rate range: F10 Pump: 0.001-10 ml/min (normal range)

System pump flow rate range: F100 pump 0.01-100 ml/min (normal range)

Sample pump flow rate range: 0.01-100 ml/min

The family of NGC Medium-Pressure Chromatography Systems fit your throughput requirements when purifying biomolecules at laboratory-scale. Each system is composed of interchangeable valves and pumps that confer different system capabilities.   The preconfigured NGC Liquid Chromatography Systems listed below are designed with increasing automation and throughput to serve a wide range of laboratory needs: -NGC Quest 10 Plus Systems — for separating biomolecules at high resolution using accurate gradients -NGC Scout 10 Plus Systems — for medium throughput applications requiring rapid scouting of protein purification conditions with automated gradients and buffer preparation -NGC Discover 10 and NGC Discover 10 Pro Systems — for higher throughput applications with rapid, robust automation and a need for method development For an overview of the features and capabilities of the four NGC Chromatography Systems, view the NGC 10 System comparison chart and watch the NGC System Tour. The NGC Systems are composed of interchangeable modules that confer different system capabilities. Browse the module selection guide to help you decide which system is best for you, or use our online tool to configure your personalized NGC Instrument.   Multidimensional (Multi-D) Chromatography with NGC Systems Multi-D chromatography is a feature of the NGC Systems that automates multistep purifications using complementary strategies to isolate your product of interest at high yields and purity levels run after run. Compared to traditional sequential chromatography workflows, which require running single columns sequentially, Multi-D sets up an automated workflow and consolidates day-long methods to hour-long protocols without requiring the intervention of users, allowing them to save valuable time.

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Electrophoresis Power Supply Basic 200


Power supply


Electrophoresis Power Supply Basic 200

Output technical specifications: 300V, 600mA, 120W

Output voltage range: 10-300V

Output current range: 10-600mA

Basic 200 basic power supply, touch screen control, stackable, can meet the power needs of small vertical electrophoresis, high-throughput electrophoresis, and traditional wet transfer printing. Application and purpose ♦ Nucleic acid gel electrophoresis; ♦ Protein gel electrophoresis.  

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Double Independent Control Electrophoresis Power Supply Basic 400


Power supply

Independent Control


Double Independent Control Electrophoresis Power Supply Basic 400

Output technical specifications: 300V, 600mA, 120W

Output voltage range: 10-300V

Output current range: 10-600mA

A system with two power supplies, independent control, and four outputs. The Basic 400 dual independent basic power supply is different from other electrophoretic power supplies currently on the market, and has output interfaces with independent control at both A and B. This product can meet the needs of small-scale vertical electrophoresis, high-throughput electrophoresis, and transfer printing. Application and purpose ♦ Nucleic acid gel electrophoresis; ♦ Protein gel electrophoresis.

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Single-Cell Dispenser DispenCell

Cell Line Development

Drug Discovery & Development

Monoclonal Antibodies (mAbs)


Single-Cell Dispenser DispenCell

Flat bracket: 2 flat plates (96 or 384 holes)

Minimum number of cells: 100 cells

Sample preparation: 10 minutes

A simple single-cell dispenser for proof of monoclonality The DispenCell™ Single-Cell Dispenser is an automated laboratory instrument designed for fast, easy and gentle single-cell isolation. DispenCell integrates seamlessly into your laboratory workflow, with a plug-and-play approach. Flexible and effortless, DispenCell operates equally under sterile conditions in a culture hood, or on a simple benchtop.   Immediate and traceable proof of clonality DispenSoft, the single-cell analysis software included with DispenCell, provides immediate and traceable proof of clonality. The instrument is fitted with a sensing tip that detects the passage of cells, allowing users to check for proof of clonality immediately after the cells are dispensed. All dispensing data is automatically stored, allowing for easy generation of a clonality report.   As gentle as manual pipetting DispenCell has unique technology which allows for extremely gentle handling of the cell sample. Cells are exposed to no more pressure than with manual pipetting (less than 0.2 psi). This allows the instrument to preserve cell viability and outgrowth while simultaneously increasing cell deposition efficiency.   Compact The small footprint of the DispenCell allows it to fit perfectly into any laboratory setting: under a hood to work under sterile conditions, on a bench top for routine seeding, or in a pre-existing automated workflow.   Proof of clonality A single-cell analysis software tool provides a traceable proof of clonality report instantly.   Contamination-free A patented disposable tip ensures clean isolation of single cells and no cross contamination. Certified free from animal products and cytotoxic material.   High cloning efficiency Unique design ensures gentle dispensing for better viability and cloning efficiency   Easy to use Easy to set up, and intuitive with a simple interface. No cleaning or calibration required.    

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Double Independent Control Electrophoresis Power Supply EPDU 400


Power supply


Double Independent Control Electrophoresis Power Supply EPDU 400

Output technical indicators: 600V, 3000mA, 500W

Output voltage range: 10-600V

Output current range: 10-3000mA

A system with two power supplies, independent control, and four outputs. The EPDU 400 dual independent universal electrophoresis power supply is different from other electrophoresis power supplies currently on the market. It has independent output interfaces controlled at both A and B ends, and can run two different programs simultaneously. It also complements interference, improves instrument utilization, and avoids experimental conflicts. This product can meet the needs of small-scale vertical electrophoresis, horizontal electrophoresis, high-throughput electrophoresis, and transfer printing. Application and purpose ♦ Nucleic acid gel electrophoresis; ♦ Protein gel electrophoresis.

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High Current Electrophoresis Power Supply EPHC 200




High Current Electrophoresis Power Supply EPHC 200

Output technical indicators: 300V, 3000mA, 350W

Output voltage range: 10-300V

Output current range: 10-3000mA

EPHC 200 high current electrophoresis power supply with an output current of up to 3000 mA. This product can meet all power supply requirements for small-scale vertical electrophoresis, high-throughput electrophoresis, traditional wet conversion, and fast semi dry conversion. Application and purpose ♦ Nucleic acid gel electrophoresis; ♦ Protein gel electrophoresis.

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CloneSelect Imager (CSI and CSI FL)

Cell Line Development

Cell viability

Colony Forming Assay


CloneSelect Imager (CSI and CSI FL)

Detector: high-resolution CMOS camera

Imaging speed: 96 well microplate: 90 seconds

Resolution: Standard: 3.6 microns

New for 2022, the CloneSelect Imager FL, a next-generation fluorescent imaging solution for the assurance of monoclonality and automated confluence across diverse cell types Demonstrating that cell lines are monoclonal – or that a gene was edited as expected – can be a time-consuming and highly-subjective process when relying on conventional technologies. The CloneSelect® Imager and CloneSelect® Imager FL are a high-throughput automated solutions for imaging and analyzing mammalian cells. Tracking the formation of a colony from a single cell is effortless as barcoded plates are tracked over time. Automated acquisition and analysis provides accurate, objective, and consistent results. With high-resolution white light imaging, the CloneSelect Imager provides automated confluence, monoclonality assurance and industry leading acquisition times with the ability to image a 96-well plate in under two minutes. The all new CloneSelect Imager FL features high contrast multichannel fluorescent and white light imaging that allows for accurate single cell detection and proof of monoclonality at day 0. Streamline your workflow with comparative confluence assays to identify and verify gene edits.   Demonstrated IND success The Monoclonality Report feature streamlines the creation of supporting documentation for regulatory agencies. Reports are automatically generated based on parameters you select. The Monoclonality Report is an audit-ready document that supports filing for an Investigational New Drug (IND) Application with the FDA. (21 CFR Part 312)   Multichannel imaging and automated confluence Algorithms are optimized for accurate cell detection and address varying cell types and conditions. Publication-ready high-resolution imaging provides automatic confluence analysis and monoclonality assurance.   Rapid single cell confirmation The imager delivers industry leading acquisition times, imaging a 96-well plate in as little as two minutes and can verify monoclonality from day zero with fluorescence.   White light and fluorescent imaging Image every well in every plate with rapid acquisition times with label-free white light. Multichannel fluorescence imaging provides additional confidence of monoclonality and comparative confluence assays (red vs green).   Data tools to accelerate research timelines The software automatically calculates confluence measurements and generates growth curves, heatmaps, and image montages. Measurements for every well are automatically tracked over time. Streamline multiple steps (imaging, sample tracking, data analysis and report generation) in the cell line development workflow for IND filing.   Quickly image a variety of plate formats and cell types Image a 96-well plate in under two minutes. Compatible with adherent or settled suspension cell types such as CHO, HEK, hybridomas, iPSCs, and many other cell types.   Intelligent analysis with easy-to-use software The software automatically calculates confluence for each imaging time point. Growth curve, image montage, total growth, and mean rate are generated automatically and are exportable. Guided software user interface allows for simple 1-hour training.   High-resolution images High-speed fluorescence and high-resolution white light imaging with accurate detection of single cells including debris. Image visualization and data tracking over multiple days.   Custom automation options* The Automation and Customization Team offers a variety of custom services from robotic plate loading to fully automated workstations with liquid handling and incubation. We have built out custom automated work cells with the CloneSelect Imager for iPSC workflows, full assay systems and drug toxicity and characterization research.  

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Double Independent Control & High Current Electrophoresis Power Supply EPHC 400


Power supply


Double Independent Control & High Current Electrophoresis Power Supply EPHC 400

Output technical indicators: 300V, 3000mA, 350W (independent dual channel)

Output voltage range: 10-300V

Output current range: 10-3000mA

A system with two power supplies, independent control, and four outputs. The EPHC 400 dual independent high current electrophoresis power supply is different from other electrophoresis power supplies on the current market. Its unique feature is that the machine has independent output interfaces for A and B, which can run two different programs simultaneously. This product can meet the needs of small-scale vertical electrophoresis, high-throughput electrophoresis, and transfer printing. Application and purpose ♦ Nucleic acid gel electrophoresis; ♦ Protein gel electrophoresis.

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Mammalian Colony Picker ClonePix 2

Cell Line Development

Cell surface expression screening

Clone productivity screening and titer


Mammalian Colony Picker ClonePix 2

Source board types: Petri 6-hole board, Petri 1-hole board, Greiner 6-hole board, Nunc 6-hole board, Nunc OmniTray

End plate types: Petri 96 well plate, Costa 96 well plate, Greiner 96 well plate, Nunc 96 well plate, Falcon 96 well plate

Source board flux: 10

A complete solution for the automated screening and objective selection of high-value clones across diverse cell types. The ClonePix® 2 Mammalian Colony Picker is a fully automated system for selecting high-value clones used in antibody discovery and cell line development. Screen more clones in less time with monoclonal verification on day zero, then screen and identify for highest producers in weeks, not months. Hybridomas, CHO cells, stem cells and other cell types are imaged and selected based on user-defined parameters. Plate handling, barcode reading, and picking are fully integrated, and all data, including images, are saved for downstream analysis. The picker increases the probability of finding optimally produced cell lines and significantly reduces time and labor.   Automate antibody discovery and cell line development workflows ClonePix 2 picker is 10x faster than labor-intensive limiting dilution and FACS. Our sophisticated software and integrated robotics enable a screening speed of > 10,000 clones per day.   Select cells with desirable attributes with monoclonality assurance from day 0 Easily screen and select clones based on protein productivity, antigen-specificity, cell viability, and expression levels of tagged recombinant proteins.   Increase the probability of identifying high-value clones while eliminating or recovering unstable clones early Picking accuracy < 1 mm. Robotic picking reduces the risk of colony disturbance. Images of picked clones are stored with data.   Multiple detection methods White light identifies and measures clone morphology, size and proximity. Fluorescence indicates expression level and/or specificity. Up to five fluorescent filters are available for multiplexing.   Sterility maintenance A host of sterility features and options including a UV light process for sanitizing the interior of the instrument, as well as pin washing and halogen drying are standard.   Integrated plate storage Includes two storage stacks for source and destination plates, each with a capacity of 10 plates.   Discrete colony formation Semi-solid CloneMediaTM encourages single cells to grow into discreet colonies, and allows for ease of plating. The media allows for a higher density of clones to be screened.   Animal-free media and reagents Chemically defined and animal-free, CloneMedia cell-culture media, is optimized to increase productivity and aid in visualizing secreted antibodies when used with the CloneDetectTM detection agent.   Custom automation options* The Advanced Workflow Engineering Solutions Team can customize the monoclonality system and offer added services such as integrated verification of monoclonality.  

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Micro Horizontal Electrophoresis Chambers NES – Mini



Micro Horizontal Electrophoresis Chambers NES – Mini

Dimensions: 90 mm x 255 mm x 56 mm

Rubber disc size: 70mm x 70mm, 70mm x 100mm

-Easy disassembly of electrodes simplifies cleaning work; -The colored electrodes and marked base ensure that the lid can be correctly placed on the base; -Safety button opening design for easy opening; -Multiple security designs eliminate potential operational security issues; -Transparent plastic structure allows for easy viewing of samples; -The glue tray holder is equipped with two directional level gauges and adjustable knobs at the four corners to ensure that the glue tray remains level; -Rubber tray holder can be used on both sides -The adhesive tray can be directly placed on the UV transmission instrument for observation, without the need to remove the adhesive from the tray for observation, making it easy to operate.

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Microbial Colony Pickers QPix

Antibiotic Zone of Inhibition


Blue-White Screening


Microbial Colony Pickers QPix

Camera (white light system): CCD camera, image resolution 22 pixels/mm, field of view 62 x 46 mm

Camera (white light and fluorescence system): CCD camera, image resolution 22 pixels/mm, field of view 32 x 24 mm

Fluorescence imaging (optional): excitation/emission 377/447 nm (DAPI/Hoechst) 457/536 nm (FITC/GFP) 531/593 nm (Cy3/DS Red)

Automated microbial screening system capable of picking up to 3,000 colonies per hour The QPix® Microbial Colony Picker leverages best-in-class colony picking technology to alleviate bottlenecks and quickly, accurately, and efficiently screen through massive genetic libraries. The easy-to-use, intuitive software guides users through setting up colony picking runs where precision robotics pick the right colonies every time.. In addition to microbial screening, the system automates several sample preparation and plate handling processes such as transfer of bacterial liquid culture and plating on agar. Data is automatically recorded into the machine’s database, providing users with a complete audit trail and sample tracking, ensuring that no data is ever lost. Our modular, scalable series of colony pickers allows groups of all sizes to increase the accuracy and throughput of their workflow, while still allowing for future throughput growth.   Identify colonies with a desired phenotype The QPix colony pickers support a wide variety of microorganisms and multiple selection modalities, including fluorescence intensity, blue/white selection, size and proximity, and zone of inhibition.   Select colonies efficiently A suite of organism-specific pin and agar sensor ensure efficient picking. The system delivers a picking efficiency of >98%, allowing you to walkaway with confidence.   Maintain Sterility A host of sterility features are available including a UV light for sanitizing the interior of the instrument, as well as pin washing, and halogen drying of pins.   Organism-specific pins Different shape and picking area pins maximize efficiency for E. coli, phage, and yeast. Plating-specific pins ensure uniform distribution of liquid culture onto agar.   Multiple imaging modes Colonies can be picked based on pre-specified parameters using white light, fluorescence, and color. The use of filters enables applications such as blue-white colony screening.   Plating and Spreading Automated plating and streaking of 96 samples can be done in 30 minutes, providing greater walk-away time.   Replication, grid and hit picking Automated plate handling and tracking streamlines downstream assay and sample management. QPix colony pickers provides flexible plate replication, gridding, and hit-picking capabilities.   Agar sensing Ultrasonic agar height sensor detects differences in height resulting from variable pouring volume enabling maximum picking efficiency.   Scalable automation options* The QPix HT model is a robot compatible solution with a modular deck. The Advanced Workflow Engineering Solutions Team can tailor a colony picker with a variety of custom services.    

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Wide Horizontal Electrophoresis Chambers NES – 5



Wide Horizontal Electrophoresis Chambers NES – 5

Dimensions: 178mm x 255mm x 68mm

Rubber disc size: 70mm x 70mm, 70mm x 100mm, 70mm x 150mm, 100mm x 150mm

-Easy disassembly of electrodes simplifies cleaning work; -The colored electrodes and marked base ensure that the lid can be correctly placed on the base; -Safety button opening design for easy opening; -Multiple security designs eliminate potential operational security issues; -Transparent plastic structure allows for easy viewing of samples; -The glue tray holder is equipped with two directional level gauges and adjustable knobs at the four corners to ensure that the glue tray remains level; -Rubber tray holder can be used on both sides -The adhesive tray can be directly placed on the UV transmission instrument for observation, without the need to remove the adhesive from the tray for observation, making it easy to operate.

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Vertical Horizontal Electrophoresis Chambers PES-5



Vertical Horizontal Electrophoresis Chambers PES-5

Gel size (W x L): prefabricated: 86mmx68mm; Hand irrigation: 83mmx73mm

Glass panel size: 101mmx73mm, 101mmx82mm

The PES-5 electrophoresis system utilizes a permanently fixed edge sealing gasket design to ensure smooth polymerization reactions during the glue making process. The selected materials will not have any impact on the reaction, and the spring lever design ensures good sealing of the soft rubber pad. The design of the module enables more flexible experimentation. -It can perform 4 small gel electrophoresis simultaneously -Easy to operate and quick to assemble -Excellent sealing performance -Compatible with 2D second direction electrophoresis -Flexible selection of buffer solution -Electrophoretic transfer tank for WB transfer   application ♦ Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE or SDS-PAGE); ♦ Two dimensional gel electrophoresis; ♦ Screening new samples; ♦ Evaluation of sample preparation conditions

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Transfer System TB - 5


Western blot


Transfer System TB - 5

Maximum gel size (W x L): 10 x 7.5 cm

Buffer capacity: 1000 ml

The TB -5 transfer system can transfer small gel quickly and with high quality. The transfer tank can accommodate 2 gel holder transfer clips for electrotransfer of small gel in PES-5 electrophoresis tank.   Features and advantages ♦ It can transfer 2 pieces of 100mm x 75mm gel at the same time, and can also transfer low strength overnight; ♦ Close spaced electrodes generate a strong electric field to ensure efficient protein transfer printing; ♦ Clear marks to ensure the correct orientation of gel during transfer; ♦ The blue ice box can be completely placed in the transfer tank to absorb heat during the rapid transfer process; ♦ It can be used as a complete independent device or in conjunction with PES-5 small vertical electrophoresis.  

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Transfer System FTB1


Western blot


Transfer System FTB1

Dimensions (width x length x height): 24.5 x 18.0 x 8.0 cm

FTB1 Blue Arrow quick transfer box can complete the transfer of protein from gel to membrane in the shortest time, and the operation is very simple. Paired with Di EPHC 200/400 high current electrophoresis power supply, it can achieve efficient and fast transfer printing in as little as 3 minutes.   The entire system adopts a ready to use design, allowing researchers to obtain reproducible transfer results faster and easier.   Features and advantages -Compatible with traditional semi dry rotary consumables, capable of semi dry rotary for 30 minutes or more; -Efficient transfer of high/low molecular weight proteins; -The required buffer solution is very small, and less than 100ml of buffer solution is needed for each filter paper; -This platform can accommodate overlapping gel of different thicknesses, with uniform pressure; -Simple locking design, fast and easy installation;   -When pulling out the drawer box, the current is cut off, which can prevent electric shock and protect the user; -The positive and negative electrode plates can be directly rinsed for easy maintenance.  

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Transfer System Blue Arrow FTB95

Transfer System

Western blot


Transfer System Blue Arrow FTB95

Dimensions (width x length x height): 24.5 x 20 x 23.7 cm

FTB95 Blue Arrow Fast Transfer System can transfer protein from gel to membrane in the shortest time, and the operation is very simple. The entire system adopts a ready to use design, allowing researchers to obtain reproducible transfer results faster and easier.   Features and advantages ● Human machine touch interaction; A and B slots are independent of each other and can operate under different conditions separately; ● One to four small gel (7x8.5cm) or one to two medium-sized gel (13.5x8.5cm) can be transferred in a single run; Compatible with traditional semi dry rotary consumables, capable of semi dry rotary for 30 minutes or more; Efficient transfer of high/low molecular weight proteins; The required buffer solution is very small, and less than 100ml of buffer solution is needed for each filter paper; ● This platform can accommodate gel of different thickness, with uniform pressure; Simple locking design, fast and easy installation;   When pulling out the drawer box, the current is cut off, which can prevent electric shock and protect the user; The positive and negative electrode plates can be directly rinsed for easy maintenance.

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Automated Gel Imaging System QI G 5000


Gel Imaging


Automated Gel Imaging System QI G 5000

Camera resolution: 20 million

Camera chip size: 1 inch

Pixel grayscale value: 16 bits

The full-automatic gel imaging system QI G5000 is a newly launched integrated gel imager, which uses a 1-inch scientific grade SONY-IMX 183 chip camera and F0.95 lens, with a resolution of 20 million pixels.   -10.3-inch, full HD touch screen, one-step operation of high-resolution camera, easy to obtain high-quality images. -Exquisite and concise exterior design can provide a stable photography environment. -The optional white and blue boards enrich the experimental methods and meet various imaging needs. -The excellent design of an electric quartz ultraviolet platform with one click entry and exit brings unparalleled convenience.

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PAGE Color Rapid Gelatin Reagent Kit



test kit


PAGE Color Rapid Gelatin Reagent Kit

0.75 mm thick adhesive: 100 pieces

1.0 mm thick adhesive: 75 pieces

1.5mm thick adhesive: 50 pieces

-Using colored concentrated adhesive for easy sample loading. Dyes do not migrate with electrophoresis. -The step-by-step gel production method has clear layering, making it convenient for post-electrophoresis processing. -Rapid solidification and stable effect.  

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Electrophoretic Buffer




Electrophoretic Buffer

Solution type specification: Solution type: 1 L/bottle, 10x, mixed with water to form 1x working solution for use

Powder type specifications; Powder type: 10 bags/box, dissolve in 1L of water per bag for use


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Fast Wet Transfer Buffer


Wet Transfer



Fast Wet Transfer Buffer

Capacity: 1L

Concentration: 10x

Working fluid: 1:2:7=10x Buffer solution: anhydrous ethanol: deionized water


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Wet to filter paper

Filter paper

Western Blot


Wet to filter paper

Specification: 50 pieces/pack


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Fast Semi Dry Rotary Buffer



Western Blot


Fast Semi Dry Rotary Buffer

Capacity: 1 L

Concentration: 5 x

Working fluid: 1:1:3=5x fast turning buffer: anhydrous ethanol: deionized water


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Fast Semi Dry To Thick Filter Paper


Filter Paper

Western Blot


Fast Semi Dry To Thick Filter Paper

Specification: 50 pieces/box

Dimensions (length x width x thickness): 100mm x 75mm x 2mm


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Western Blot



Specifications: 20 sheets/box, 100 sheets/box

Each size: 8.5cm x 6.0cm


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Quick Semi Dry Transfer Printing Bag


Western Blot


Quick Semi Dry Transfer Printing Bag

Specification: 10 bags/box

Each package: 2 pieces of fast transfer filter paper, 1 piece of PVDF membrane, and fast transfer buffer solution


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Automated Western Blot Processing System AB 4800

Western Blot



Automated Western Blot Processing System AB 4800

Liquid transfer method: high-precision automatic detection of liquid level metal suction head

Antibody recovery: automatic recovery of primary and secondary antibodies

Program steps: Up to 8 experimental steps can be set to meet the entire process of immunoblotting

1. The process is fully automated, achieving one click start without the need for dedicated personnel to be on duty; 2. Run up to 4 channels simultaneously, with each channel programmed independently and not interfering with each other; 3. Select samples of different sizes as needed to save antibodies; 4. Accurately control the amount of reagents and operating time to ensure the reproducibility of experimental results; 5. Peltier semiconductor refrigeration technology fully protects antibody activity and maintains the optimal state of recovered antibodies; 6. After the experiment is completed, automatically add buffer to moisturize and protect the experimental results in all aspects; 7. Easy to operate and user-friendly interface, easy to understand, 7-inch large LCD touch screen for easy operation; 8. Each channel can have up to 8 steps set, and each step can set parameters such as operation time, injection volume, and number of repetitions; Thanks to precise control of various parameters, the AB-4800 fully automated protein blotting system can obtain excellent experimental results, including low background data and good repeatability, and can also optimize different experimental conditions.

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Multi-Mode Microplate Readers SpectraMax Mini


Cell Health

Cellular Signaling


Multi-Mode Microplate Readers SpectraMax Mini

Microporous plate type: 6-384 well plate

Absorbance, Fluorescence and Luminescence: Supported

TRF: not supported

Perform your favorite applications including ELISA, DNA and protein quantitation, cell viability, gene expression with a user-friendly reader The SpectraMax® Mini Multi-Mode Microplate Reader offers a budget friendly solution that gives you exactly what you need when you need it. With three modes of detection for UV-Vis absorbance, fluorescence and luminescence, the SpectraMax Mini reader is user upgradeable - from 2 to 3 modes, providing researchers with a versatile instrument that does not compromise on sensitivity or performance. Included SoftMax® Pro Software enables rapid data generation and analysis helping you achieve more in less time.     Easy-to-use Save time on training, data generation, and data analysis, for faster results.   Flexible Perform your favorite applications with a user-friendly reader that accommodates plate types from six to 384-well formats; up to three modes of detection measuring absorbance with NFC-tagged filters for fluorescence, luminescence, or both.   Affordable Gain access to over thirty years of experience and technology in a compact, multi-mode reader that was built for researchers with sensitive budgets.   Industry-leading software Enjoy an extensive library of protocols, advanced reader control, and easy data management and analysis with our best-in-class Softmax Pro Software.   Expanded wavelength range Xenon flash lamps allow you to excite samples in the UV range where halogen does not.   Approachable design Effortless functionality provides users with everything they need to run their most crucial applications quickly and without complications.   AutoPMT technology Our AutoPMT feature allows a wide range of concentrations to be prepared and read on one plate, avoiding saturation (or the loss of signal) and saving you time and money.  

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Multi-Mode Microplate Readers SpectraMax iD3 / iD5 


Cell Health

Cell viability


Multi-Mode Microplate Readers SpectraMax iD3 / iD5 

Microporous plate type: 6-384 well plate

Absorbance, Fluorescence and Luminescence: Supported


NFC-based personalization and enhanced touchscreen workflows provide walk-up usability The SpectraMax® iD3 and iD5 Multi-Mode Microplate Readers measure absorbance, fluorescence, and luminescence. In addition, the iD5 reader measures TRF and FP and can be expanded to include TR-FRET, HTRF®, BRET, dual luciferase reporter assays with injectors, and western blot detection. With optimized reagents, option to operate the readers using the touchscreen or a computer, and industry-leading SoftMax® Pro Software, the readers provide an all access pass for breakthrough research.   Personalize workflows Built-in near-field communication (NFC) functionality can access custom protocols and results with a single tap, saving time better spent on research.   Simplify tasks The intuitive touchscreen software simplifies tasks with Quick Read icons that save time when starting new experiments and a personalized library that stores frequently used protocols.   Reduce background noise The optical system includes a xenon flash lamp and features an ultra-cooled photomultiplier tube (PMT) detector that reduces background noise for greater sensitivity and a wide dynamic range.   QuickSync The QuickSync feature pushes data to any computer within the same network and delivers data in an Excel-compatible format.   Flexible temperature control Simple-to-use temperature control adjusts the experiment's conditions from ambient up to 66°C.   Automatic filter identification Using NFC tags, the SpectraMax iD5 reader automatically detects the wavelength properties of each filter in addition to the filter slide configuration, eliminating confusion and the need for manual information entry.   Enhanced security The SoftMax® Touch Software secures user accounts with PIN- or NFC-protection with a lock screen option. Data is stored on the reader’s hard drive ensuring security even after transfer to a computer.   Hybrid optical system The SpectraMax iD5 reader provides the flexibility to set up experiments using filters, or a monochromator in 1 nm increments, or a hybrid mix of monochromator and filter-based wavelength selection.   Flash assays captured with ease The SpectraMax Injector System with SmartInject® Technology features low dead volume (10 µL), overflow protection, and ensures equal mixing across the plate for high-precision experiments.

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Optical Tweezers – Fluorescence & Label-free Microscopy C-Trap G2

DNA–binding proteins

Protein folding

Cytoskeletal structure and transport


Optical Tweezers – Fluorescence & Label-free Microscopy C-Trap G2

Mechanical resolution:<0.1 pN at 100 Hz (1 μ m beads at 0.3 pN/nm trap stiffness)

Maximum escape force:>1000 pN using 4.5 μ m polystyrene beads

Mechanical stability:<0.3 pN over 2 minutes

The C-Trap® provides the world’s first dynamic single-molecule microscope to allow simultaneous manipulation and visualization of single-molecule interactions in real time. It combines high-resolution optical tweezers, fluorescence, and label-free microscopy, and an advanced microfluidics system in a truly integrated and correlated solution.   How does it work? In 2018 Arthur Ashkin won the Nobel Prize in Physics for his discovery that the momentum of light can be used as an incredibly sensitive set of “tweezers”. By shooting a laser through a microscope, he created a highly focused beam of light strong enough to trap and hold in place objects such as plastic beads. These beads can be coated to stick to a variety of biomolecules, such as proteins, cytoskeleton filaments, DNA, or RNA. Furthermore, the tiniest forces applied to these molecules can be measured as well, giving the world access to a tool not only capable of manipulating biomolecules but also capable of detecting what’s happening to them.   How can it be applied to my research? Whether you are aiming to make novel discoveries in the life sciences or develop successful drug candidates, we work on a personal level to find the right solution for you. Browse our extended list of applications to discover how these technologies can benefit your research.   -Stable and precise sample manipulation Different optical tweezers configurations and advanced manipulation features allow you to get the most out of your sample.   -A wide variety of visualization capabilities Choose and combine from a variety of imaging methods designed specifically to solve the needs of different experimental designs.   -Introducing the new C-Trap products Dymo & Edge With the desire to constantly produce breakthrough discoveries, you need an easy-to-use instrument, fully-optimized for your applications that should bring unprecedented insights with high precision, accuracy, and reliability, in short time. Discover your solutions below!   -High throughput experiment workflow Loading your sample and analysing your data in less than 30 minutes.   -Easy and intuitive software package Check how you can completely automate your experiments using our user-centered software workflow, experience seamless process from data collection to data analysis.

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Multi-Mode Microplate Readers SpectraMax i3x



Cell Health


Multi-Mode Microplate Readers SpectraMax i3x

Microporous plate type: 6-1536 well plate

Absorbance, Fluorescence and Luminescence: Supported

TRF: Supported

Unlimited breadth of user-upgradeable application modules expands research capabilities The SpectraMax® i3x Multi-Mode Microplate Reader measures absorbance, fluorescence, and luminescence with available upgrades including western blot, cell imaging, and fast kinetics with injectors plus additional detection modes. With the SpectraMax® MiniMax™ 300 Imaging Cytometer, industry-leading SoftMax® Pro Software, and user-configurable detection modules, the reader provides you with the ability to explore cellular pathways and protein expression on one microplate reader.   Capture flash assays with ease The SpectraMax i3x Injector Cartridge with SmartInject® Technology expands your research capabilities to include flash-based applications including dual luciferase and ATP assays.   Reduce background noise The cooled PMT reduces background noise allowing for a more sensitive, wide dynamic range in extremely low light.   Increase fluorescence performance Powerful combination of Xenon flash lamp and LEDs provides unmatched signal strength and superior sensitivity with Spectral Fusion™ Illumination.   User-configurable applications User-configurable detection modules expand the reader’s detection capabilities to include AlphaScreen, Time-Resolved Fluorescence, HTRF, fast kinetics with injectors, western blot detection, and more.   No-stain cell analysis The StainFree™ Cell Detection Algorithm for brightfield cell segmentation enables cell counting and confluency measurement without destructive stains, simplifying the cell counting workflow.   Multi-channel functionality Two fluorescence detection channels on the MiniMax cytometer enable the analysis of cell viability or cell toxicity assays, including ratiometric assays like live-dead and transfection efficiency.   Cellular pathway analysis Cell confluence and cell viability imaging, western blot analysis, and quantitation of nucleic acids and protein, can be captured on one reader.

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Multi-Mode Microplate Readers SpectraMax M Series


Cell Health

Cell viability


Multi-Mode Microplate Readers SpectraMax M Series

Microporous plate type: 6-384 well plate

Absorbance, Fluorescence and Luminescence: M3,M4,M5,M5e

TRF: M4,M5,M5e

Dual monochromators increase performance and assay flexibility The SpectraMax® M Series Multi-Mode Microplate Readers measure UV and visible absorbance, fluorescence, luminescence, fluorescence polarization, TRF and HTRF. Standard features include a cuvette port, spectral scanning in 1 nm increments, and up to six wavelengths per read. These robust readers have been placed in labs from Antarctica to the International Space Station. With optimized reagents, validation tools, and industry-leading SoftMax® Pro Software, they provide consistent performance.   Assay flexibility The optical system uses two scanning monochromators so you can determine optimal excitation and emission settings, resulting in assay performance similar to that of dedicated single-mode readers.   Better absorbance accuracy Measure sample depth with no temperature dependency using the PathCheck Sensor technology. It automatically normalizes absorbance readings to 1 cm, eliminating the need for standard curves.   Increased throughput Integrate easily with our StakMax® Microplate Stacker for walk-away automation. The stacker can hold up to 50 plates and can be configured to include a barcode reader.   Patented optimization The patented AutoPMT optimization of the SpectraMax M5 reader adjusts the fluorescence detector to each sample well's concentration and normalizes the raw data, extending the dynamic range of assays.   IQ/OQ/PM Services Qualify Molecular Devices microplate readers in GLP or GMP environments with our IQ/OQ/PM Services to preserve the documentation of services in a compliant format that can be accessed remotely.   Validation tools Extensive suite of validation tools reduces the cost and time of validation by 50% as compared to using multiple platforms to collect and analyze data.   Compliance software SoftMax Pro GxP Software extends data acquisition and analysis solution into regulated laboratories working under GMP, GLP, and 21 CFR Part 11 for secure electronic records.  

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Optical Tweezers m-Trap

DNA–binding proteins

Protein folding

Cytoskeletal structure and transport


Optical Tweezers m-Trap

Mechanical resolution:<0.1 pN at 100 Hz (1 μ m beads at 0.3 pN/nm trap stiffness)

Maximum escape force:>1000 pN using 4.5 μ m polystyrene beads

Mechanical stability:<0.3 pN over 2 minutes

The m-Trap is the first entry-level optical tweezers instrument specifically developed for high-resolution single-molecule research. Ultra-high force resolution and stability, with incredible throughput, ease of use, and modularity – all at an unprecedented price level.   How does it work? In 2018 Arthur Ashkin won the Nobel Prize in Physics for his discovery that the momentum of light can be used as an incredibly sensitive set of “tweezers”. By shooting a laser through a microscope, he created a highly focused beam of light strong enough to trap and hold in place objects such as plastic beads. These beads can be coated to stick to a variety of biomolecules, such as proteins, cytoskeleton filaments, DNA, or RNA. Furthermore, the tiniest forces applied to these molecules can be measured as well, giving the world access to a tool not only capable of manipulating biomolecules but also capable of detecting what’s happening to them.   How can it be applied to my research? Whether you are aiming to make novel discoveries in the life sciences or develop successful drug candidates, we work on a personal level to find the right solution for you. Browse our extended list of applications to discover how these technologies can benefit your research. Don’t see your specific field represented? Drop us an e-mail to see what we can do!   -Stable and precise sample manipulation Advanced manipulation features that allow you to get the most out of your sample. Fully supported integration and correlation with custom optical layout allowing for 3rd party system integration.   -High throughput experiment workflow Loading your sample and analysing your data in less than 30 minutes.   -Easy and intuitive software package Check how you can completely automate your experiments using our user-centered software workflow.

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Multi-Mode Microplate Readers SpectraMax Paradigm





Multi-Mode Microplate Readers SpectraMax Paradigm

Microporous plate type: 6- 1536 well plate

Absorbance, Fluorescence and Luminescence: Supported

TRF: Supported

Z-height and microplate optimization increases assay dynamic range and sensitivity The SpectraMax® Paradigm® Multi-Mode Microplate Reader measures absorbance, fluorescence, time-resolved fluorescence (including HTRF), fluorescence polarization, AlphaScreen®, AlphaLISA®, and luminescence assays for up to 1536-well plates. Detection cartridge modularity allows for easy addition of new read modes within minutes without requiring a service visit, while providing the flexibility for future applications.   Get automatic Z-height optimization Z-height focusing is enabled for fast top- and bottom-reads for all read modes. By performing Z-height optimization, a lens is adjusted to address low volumes or varied well geometry.   Eliminate manual gain adjustment The detection cartridge utilizes an energy intensity optimization technique allowing you to read up to seven logs of sample concentration in a single pass of a plate without manual gain adjustment.   Tailor your data analysis Perform multiple calculations on one data set, compare multiple experiments side-by-side, and adjust reduction parameters while collecting real-time data with SoftMax® Pro Software.   Configuration changes in minutes Adding new read modes is fast and simple with the detection cartridge system. Order additional detection cartridges as your application needs change, and install them by yourself in under two minutes.   Increased dynamic range and sensitivity Use predefined reductions, columns, and summary formulas, or create custom calculations. Analyze EC50 and Z-factors to identify assay quality, and graph results with over 21 curve fit options.  

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Multi-Mode Microplate Readers FlexStation 3


Action Potential

Action Potential Analysis


Multi-Mode Microplate Readers FlexStation 3

Microporous plate type: 6- 384 well plate

Absorbance, Fluorescence and Luminescence: Supported

TRF: Supported

Automated pipetting ensures consistent performance over multiple assay conditions on a microplate The FlexStation® 3 Multi-Mode Microplate Reader measures absorbance, fluorescence intensity, fluorescence polarization, luminescence, and time-resolved fluorescence. Programmable liquid handling allows for perfectly timed, automated biochemical and cell-based assays. The reader adds up to three transfers of assay reagents from a 96- or 384-well source plate to enhance assay design using integrated fluidics.   Enable more assay conditions Define individual reagents to be delivered to each well reducing reagent consumption and allowing for more assay conditions to be explored on a single microplate.   Automate pipetting Improve assay quality and increase throughput with automated pipetting ensuring consistent addition time and minimizing errors, thus providing tighter assay CVs within and between experiments.   Validate your reader Get fluid transfer validation with our PathCheck Feature to quantify pipettor head performance. Use it with SoftMax® Pro Software and IQ/OQ/PQ validation protocols for FDA 21 CFR Part 11 compliance.   Onboard pipettor Integrated 8-channel or 16-channel pipettor increases assay flexibility by transferring reagents from 96 or 384 distinct wells in a source plate to the read plate.   Optimal assay excitation Dual monochromators allow users to target the optimal assay excitation and emission wavelengths and eliminate the need to change expensive band pass filters between experiments.   Low volume applications SpectraDrop™ Micro-Volume Microplate offers a high-throughput solution for low volume measurement, accelerating sample preparation time and increased productivity in DNA, RNA and protein research.   Robot integration The FlexStation 3 reader can be integrated with all leading partner robots and with our out-of-the-box automation solution for savings on up-front integration time and resources.  

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Multi-Mode Microplate Readers FilterMax F5/F3


Cell viability



Multi-Mode Microplate Readers FilterMax F5/F3

Microporous plate type: 6- 1536 well plate

Absorbance, Fluorescence and Luminescence: Supported

TRF: Supported

Affordability and unmatched assay performance in filter-based microplate readers The FilterMax™ F3 and F5 Multi-Mode Microplate Readers offer a wide set of features at an affordable price-to-performance ratio. They provide absorbance, fluorescence, glow luminescence, and other read modes for programmable endpoint, kinetic, multiple-wavelength linear scan and area scan measurements.   Get great performance with LEDs The readers employ patented high-power light emitting diodes (LED) that are high powered at critical wavelengths, with an optimized light source for a specific dye or application.   Count single photons The photomultiplier tube (PMT) detector operates in photon counting mode, affording increased sensitivity for red dyes with a linear dynamic range of over six orders of magnitude.   Get tailored data analysis Save time from exporting data to external applications. SoftMax Pro Software provides more than 160 predefined yet powerful experiment protocols and programming capabilities for quick data analysis.   Visible absorbance This reader provides visible absorbance, top-reading fluorescence intensity, and glow luminescence modes in 96- to 384-well plates with wavelength selection options from 340-650 nm.   UV and visible absorbance This reader provides UV and visible absorbance, top and bottom fluorescence intensity, glow luminescence, FP, and TRF modes in 6- to 1536-well plates with wavelength selection options from 230-750 nm.    

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Luminescence Plate Readers SpectraMax L


Plate Readers



Luminescence Plate Readers SpectraMax L

Wavelength range: 380-630nm

Dynamic range:>9 orders of magnitude

Top reading sensitivity:<20atomol ATP/hole

Flash and glow luminescence detection in an upgradeable platform The SpectraMax® L Microplate Reader measures flash and glow luminescence assays in both 96- and 384-well plates. It is upgradeable to include a barcode reader, programmable injectors, and dual-channel configurations for a 2-fold increase for medium throughput. The high sensitivity, low-noise photomultiplier tubes (PMTs), and variable-volume injector configuration make this reader ideal for fast kinetic assays requiring continuous monitoring during injection and measurement.   Detect all samples The analog and photon counting capability provides a dynamic range of nine orders of magnitude, eliminating the need to dilute bright samples while maintaining high sensitivity for dim samples.   Get 2-fold improvement in speed The 2-channel configuration is available with 0, 2, or 4 injectors. The 4-injector configuration enables a 2-fold improvement in speed for traditional flash and glow assays.   Automate injector workflows The autowashing injectors can be programmed to rinse the injectors following each use, reversing the direction of flow so reagents can be recovered.   Reduced noise Ultra-fast photon counting technology amplifies the PMT signal with a fast pulse amplifier. This reduced noise capability enables a higher signal-to-noise ratio and low crosstalk.   PMT calibration The automatic PMT calibration method is based on readings of 4 internal LEDs at 395, 470, 527, and 570 nm. The manual PMT calibration method is based on readings of 4 wells from the assay itself.  

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Fluorescence Plate Readers SpectraMax Gemini XPS

Live/Dead viability/cytotoxicity assays

Detection of nucleic acids

Green fluorescent protein


Fluorescence Plate Readers SpectraMax Gemini XPS

Wavelength range: Ex: 250-850nm Em: 360-850nm

Microporous plate type: 6-384 well plate

Reading speed: 96 hole plate for 15 seconds

The SpectraMax® Gemini™ XPS Microplate Spectrofluorometer from Molecular Devices® provides a flexible environment to determine the optimal excitation and emission settings for most fluorescent intensity assays. The Gemini XPS Reader has dual monochromators that allow users to utilize new and novel dyes without purchasing expensive filter sets. SoftMax® Pro Microplate Data Acquisition and Analysis Software, included with every Gemini XPS Reader, provides convenient data analysis. The optional SpectraTest® FL1 Validation Plate automatically validates the performance of the reader. Software validation, IQ/OQ/PQ and FDA 21 CFR Part 11 compliance tools are also available.   Dual monochromators With the Gemini XPS Reader, users don’t have to worry about having the right set of filters. The system uses two scanning monochromators to determine the optimal excitation and emission settings. Assays vary depending on temperature or pH conditions; the monochromators allow users to select the optimal wavelength for any assay. Alternatively, literature values for the monochromator can be easily entered. When methods or fluorophores change, it takes only a few software commands to adjust the reader.   Well scanning With well scanning, multiple points within each well can be read, providing a high level of sensitivity for cell-based assays. Endpoint, kinetic and spectrum scanning assays can also be run.   Plate stacker and robot integration The Gemini XPS Reader can be integrated with Molecular Devices’ StakMax® Microplate Stacker in a matter of minutes and begin reading microplates with seven mouse clicks. For a higher degree of automation, the Automation Vendor Partners Program has streamlined the integration of our microplate reader systems with all leading partner robots. The “out-of-the-box” automation solution saves up-front integration time and resources.   Leading data analysis software SoftMax Pro Microplate Microplate Data Acquisition and Analysis Software provides flexibility in experimental design, setup, analysis and reporting, providing the opportunity to customize assays. Choose from nine different curve-fitting routines and use default data reduction, or set up custom formulas for analysis. Data can be analyzed and combined from different plates.  

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UV-Vis Spectrophotometer SpectraMax® QuickDrop™

Ultratrace amount


Light absorption


UV-Vis Spectrophotometer SpectraMax® QuickDrop™

Light source: flashing xenon lamp

Detector: 1024 pixel linear CCD array

Minimum volume: 0.5 μ L for ultra trace loading and 0.6 μ L for colorimetric dish loading

The SpectraMax® QuickDrop™ UV-Vis Spectrophotometer quantifies very small amounts of DNA, RNA, oligos, and proteins. The small footprint and touchscreen control allows for easy laboratory setup with minimal investment of time, cost, and effort. The built-in micro-volume sample port allows for working with sample volumes as small as 0.5 µL, while the cuvette port expands sample capacity to include larger volumes.   Increase sensitivity The SpectraMax QuickDrop UV-Vis Spectrophotometer has a four-second read time and no moving parts. It maintains an accurate pathlength, providing you with fast and accurate results regardless of viscosity.   Easy to use The large, high-resolution touchscreen offers preconfigured analysis methods, easy setup of customized experiments including kinetic assays, and allows you to work in six different languages.   Streamline workflows The spectrophotometer is maintenance-free and requires no calibration. One-swipe cleaning streamlines your workflow and allows you to quickly move from sample to sample.

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Absorbance Plate Readers VersaMax


Plate Readers


Absorbance Plate Readers VersaMax

Wavelength range: 340-850nm

Microporous plate type: 96 well plate

Reading speed: 96 well plate in 9 seconds

Introduction The VersaMax™ Microplate Reader from Molecular Devices bridges the gap between the affordability of filter-based readers and the flexibility of monochromator-based systems.   Tunable, filterless flexibility The VersaMax reader uses a grating monochromator to select the wavelength, so the exact wavelength needed can be selected for every assay. With a wavelength range from 340 to 850 nm, this is equivalent to having 510 free filters.   Exceptional performance Using an advanced optical and electronic design, the VersaMax reader gives the same high performance with round-bottom, flat-bottom or half-area well plates. Dual wavelength readings report the actual absorbance at each wavelength so data can be analyzed according to the user’s preferences. Temperature control up to 45°C allows kinetic assays at ambient and physiological temperatures.   Affordable The robot-compatible VersaMax reader is cost-effective—users never have to buy filters. Furthermore, VersaMax system is reliable, which means more uptime and lower long-term cost of ownership.   Wide range of applications The VersaMax reader covers a wide range of applications: • Microbial Growth/MIC • IC50 /LD50 • Endpoint ELISAs/EIA • Cytoproliferation/Cytotoxicity • Colorimetric Protein • Kinetic ELISAs/Enzyme Assays • Bacterial Identification   Powerful data analysis Industry leading SoftMax® Pro Data Acquisition and Analysis Software is included with VersaMax systems and provides additional flexibility for the user.  

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Absorbance Plate Readers SpectraMax 190


Plate Readers


Absorbance Plate Readers SpectraMax 190

Wavelength range: 190-850nm

Microporous plate type: 96 well plate

Reading speed: 96 well plate in 9 seconds

The SpectraMax® 190 Microplate Spectrophotometer, SpectraMax® 340PC384 Microplate Spectrophotometer, and VersaMax™ Microplate Spectrophotometer provide rapid and sensitive measurements of a variety of analytes across a wide range of concentrations. The SpectraMax® Plus 384 Microplate Spectrophotometer adds the ability to read cuvettes. These instruments measure the optical density (OD) of samples at selected wavelengths in a single read mode.   The high sensitivity and flexibility of these instruments make them useful for applications in the fields of biochemistry, cell biology, immunology, molecular biology, and microbiology. Typical applications include ELISA, nucleic acid, protein, enzymatic type homogeneous and heterogeneous assays, microbial growth, endotoxin testing, and pipettor calibration. The instruments support the UV and Visible Absorbance read mode with the following read types.   Endpoint: at a single point in time. Kinetic: over a specified period of time. Spectrum: over a specified wavelength range.   The shakefeature allows you to mix the contents of the wells in a plate before each read cycle, which makesit possible to perform kinetic analysis of solid-phase, enzyme-mediated reactions (shake is not critical for liquid-phase reactions).   Temperature controls allow the instrument to regulate the temperature of the plate chamber from 4°C above ambient to 45°C.

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Absorbance Plate Readers SpectraMax Plus384


Plate Readers


Absorbance Plate Readers SpectraMax Plus384

Wavelength range: 190-1000nm

Microporous plate types: 96 well plate and 384 well plate

Reading speed: 96 holes: 9/5 seconds

The SpectraMax® 190 Microplate Spectrophotometer, SpectraMax® 340PC384 Microplate Spectrophotometer, and VersaMax™ Microplate Spectrophotometer provide rapid and sensitive measurements of a variety of analytes across a wide range of concentrations. The SpectraMax® Plus 384 Microplate Spectrophotometer adds the ability to read cuvettes. These instruments measure the optical density (OD) of samples at selected wavelengths in a single read mode.   The high sensitivity and flexibility of these instruments make them useful for applications in the fields of biochemistry, cell biology, immunology, molecular biology, and microbiology. Typical applications include ELISA, nucleic acid, protein, enzymatic type homogeneous and heterogeneous assays, microbial growth, endotoxin testing, and pipettor calibration. The instruments support the UV and Visible Absorbance read mode with the following read types.   Endpoint: at a single point in time. Kinetic: over a specified period of time. Spectrum: over a specified wavelength range.   The shakefeature allows you to mix the contents of the wells in a plate before each read cycle, which makesit possible to perform kinetic analysis of solid-phase, enzyme-mediated reactions (shake is not critical for liquid-phase reactions).   Temperature controls allow the instrument to regulate the temperature of the plate chamber from 4°C above ambient to 45°C.

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Absorbance Plate Readers SpectraMax ABS

IC50 /LD50

Endpoint ELISAs/EIA



Absorbance Plate Readers SpectraMax ABS

Wavelength range: 340-850nm

Microporous plate type: 96 well plate

Reading speed: 96 holes: 9/5 seconds

The SpectraMax® ABS Microplate Reader bridges the gap between the affordability of filter-based readers and the flexibility of monochromator-based systems.The SpectraMax® ABS Plus Microplate Reader can run both cuvette-based and microplate reader applications on the same instrument. Read one sample or up to 384 in a single plate read using any standard cuvette, or 96- or 384-well microplate. For more sample throughput, both readers can be easily integrated into full robotic systems and can easily adapt to fit sample processing requirements.   Tunable for filterless flexibility The SpectraMax ABS readers use a grating monochromator to select the exact wavelength needed for every assay. The ABS reader ranges from 340–850 nm in wavelength and the ABS Plus reader ranges from 190–1000 nm, which is equivalent to having 510 or 810 free filters, respectively.   Exceptional performance The advanced optical and electronic design of the readers give the same high performance with round-bottom, flat-bottom or half-area well plates. Select up to six wavelengths in a single read to maximize the number of data points collected in an experiment. Temperature control up to 45°C allows kinetic assays at ambient and physiological temperatures.   Patented PathCheck Sensor The SpectraMax ABS Plus reader utilizes Molecular Devices PathCheck® Sensor—the only patented technology available that measures the depth (optical pathlength) of samples in a microplate. When used with SoftMax® Pro Data Acquisition and Analysis Software, it can automatically normalize the well absorbance to a cuvette equivalent pathlength of 1 cm. This is equivalent to having 96 or 384 cuvettes.   With the PathCheck Sensor, it is acceptable to have different volumes in the wells, so pipetting does not have to be accurate. The PathCheck Sensor will correct for the volume differences in all 96 or 384 wells and automatically report out 1 cm absorbance values.   Extend the dynamic range to 6+ OD. If a well reads out of range (> 4 OD), decrease the volume in that well and re-read the plate using the PathCheck Sensor. A 100 µL sample (optical pathlength ~0.3 cm) that reads 2.8 OD will be corrected to ~9.2 OD. Pipetting errors in 96- or 384-well microplates can be detected. The PathCheck Sensor measures differences in volume between the wells, so sources of error can be identified and eliminated from data, or absorbance values can be corrected.   Quickly and easily test multi-channel dispensers and pipettors. Measuring the depth of the liquid in the well, the PathCheck Sensor can determine the volume of liquid dispensed. Even 96- or 384-channel dispensers can be tested in a matter of minutes

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Absorbance Plate Readers SpectraMax ABS Plus

IC50 /LD50

Endpoint ELISAs/EIA



Absorbance Plate Readers SpectraMax ABS Plus

Wavelength range: 190-1000nm

Microporous plate types: 96 well plate and 384 well plate

Reading speed: 96 holes: 9/5 seconds

The SpectraMax® ABS Microplate Reader bridges the gap between the affordability of filter-based readers and the flexibility of monochromator-based systems.The SpectraMax® ABS Plus Microplate Reader can run both cuvette-based and microplate reader applications on the same instrument. Read one sample or up to 384 in a single plate read using any standard cuvette, or 96- or 384-well microplate. For more sample throughput, both readers can be easily integrated into full robotic systems and can easily adapt to fit sample processing requirements.   Tunable for filterless flexibility The SpectraMax ABS readers use a grating monochromator to select the exact wavelength needed for every assay. The ABS reader ranges from 340–850 nm in wavelength and the ABS Plus reader ranges from 190–1000 nm, which is equivalent to having 510 or 810 free filters, respectively.   Exceptional performance The advanced optical and electronic design of the readers give the same high performance with round-bottom, flat-bottom or half-area well plates. Select up to six wavelengths in a single read to maximize the number of data points collected in an experiment. Temperature control up to 45°C allows kinetic assays at ambient and physiological temperatures.   Patented PathCheck Sensor The SpectraMax ABS Plus reader utilizes Molecular Devices PathCheck® Sensor—the only patented technology available that measures the depth (optical pathlength) of samples in a microplate. When used with SoftMax® Pro Data Acquisition and Analysis Software, it can automatically normalize the well absorbance to a cuvette equivalent pathlength of 1 cm. This is equivalent to having 96 or 384 cuvettes.   With the PathCheck Sensor, it is acceptable to have different volumes in the wells, so pipetting does not have to be accurate. The PathCheck Sensor will correct for the volume differences in all 96 or 384 wells and automatically report out 1 cm absorbance values.   Extend the dynamic range to 6+ OD. If a well reads out of range (> 4 OD), decrease the volume in that well and re-read the plate using the PathCheck Sensor. A 100 µL sample (optical pathlength ~0.3 cm) that reads 2.8 OD will be corrected to ~9.2 OD. Pipetting errors in 96- or 384-well microplates can be detected. The PathCheck Sensor measures differences in volume between the wells, so sources of error can be identified and eliminated from data, or absorbance values can be corrected.   Quickly and easily test multi-channel dispensers and pipettors. Measuring the depth of the liquid in the well, the PathCheck Sensor can determine the volume of liquid dispensed. Even 96- or 384-channel dispensers can be tested in a matter of minutes

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Absorbance Plate Readers CMax Plus


Plate Readers


Absorbance Plate Readers CMax Plus

Wavelength range: 400-750nm

Microporous plate type: 96 well plate

Reading speed: 96 holes: 16 seconds

The CMax Plus, a light absorption single function enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay reader produced by Molecular Devices, is a flexible and powerful microplate reader specially designed for scientific research laboratories. It has endpoint method and kinetic detection modes, and comes standard with 6 filter modes covering protein quantification, cell viability, pesticide residues, various ELISA experiments, and more. The light absorption single function enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (CMax Plus) is compatible with both flat and round bottomed 96 well plates. The automatic calibration function of the previous light source ensures the accuracy of the experimental results. CMax Pro software can control instruments and perform data analysis. Super powerful processing software that can easily set various parameters, such as layout, linear, logarithmic, four parameter curve fitting, qualitative classification, etc. It comes with a dynamic database for easy data processing and querying, and data can be directly imported into Excel; Users can customize detection templates and establish various detection parameters that are suitable for themselves, making it easy to call. Built in 6 filters 8 filter positions, standard configuration of 6 filters: 405nm, 450nm, 492nm, 630nm, 562nm, 595nm, can meet the qualitative and quantitative detection of various absorbances. The experimental results are stable The instrument can automatically calibrate the intensity of the light source before testing, and supports mixing function, which can thoroughly mix the sample and ensure the accuracy and consistency of the experimental results.

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Automated Cell Culture System​

3D Cell Imaging and Analysis

Cells in Extracellular Matrices

Disease Modeling


Automated Cell Culture System​

Incubator: 44/154 culture plates

Environmental control: CO2, temperature, and humidity control

Camera: 24 million pixels

Automate the entire cell culture process to improve workflows and make assays more reliable and reproducible. The™ Automated Cell Culture System is an AI-driven cell culture innovation hub that gives your team total control over demanding cell culture feeding and passaging schedules—eliminating time in the lab while maintaining a 24/7 schedule for growing and scaling multiple stem cell lines, spheroids, or organoids. This revolutionary solution can give your lab the confidence in experimental outcomes to make key decisions sooner, achieve milestones faster, and get to clinic earlier—with lower attrition rates. All of it backed with the assurance of a full event log to confirm on-time feedings and critical task execution with complete digital microscopy records.   Automate your cell culture processes Total control over demanding feeding and passaging schedules reduces hands-on time in the lab.   Improve your screening workflows Around-the-clock operation maximizes productivity for growing and scaling multiple stem cell lines, spheroids, or organoids.   Develop reliable, reproducible assays A machine learning-assisted solution standardizes the development process to deliver consistent, unbiased, and biologically relevant results at scale.   Scale up complex cell culture workflows. Actionable imaging and turnkey protocols for reliable media exchange, monitoring, and passaging. Automated cell culture and image analysis workflows run 24/7 – even when your lab is closed. Track the complete cell journey over time. A unified software environment makes it easy to develop traceable and reproducible cell cultures specific to your desired assay endpoint. Evaluate & make decisions earlier. Answer critical questions sooner easily identifying outliers at the well, plate, or experiment level to help detect variability sources. Save reagents by removing these plates or wells from downstream processing early in the drug discovery process. Standardized protocols. Reliable and consistent automation speeds the development process. Real-time feedback alerts users to milestones or events and generates automated tasks to resolve them. Reduce human error. Improve productivity and optimize hands-on time with image-based, deep-learning decision-making. Remove variability, maintain sterility, and increase confidence in success with automated cell handling. Turn data into decisions. Solve complex image analysis problems utilizing advanced artificial intelligence (AI) to transform images into results. User-friendly workflows help you get answers faster from 2D, 3D, and time lapse experiments.  

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Automated organoid printers





Automated organoid printers

Printing time: 10-120s

Cell viability:>95%

Printing resolution: 35-50 μ m

The world's leading volumetric bioprinter. The principle based on reverse CT projection eliminates the problem of slow printing speed in traditional contact based biological 3D printers. This revolutionary technology has non-contact and ultrafast printing capabilities, providing scientists in multiple fields with the most advanced research tools. Application areas include but are not limited to organoids, drug screening, gene sequencing, tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, microfluidic chips, implantable electronic components, customized drugs, and medical devices.   -Non-contact -Ultra fast -High cellular activity -Free design -High printing quality and low concentration bio ink

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Inverted Fluorescence Microscope B80iFV



Inverted Fluorescence Microscope B80iFV

Eyepiece: WF10 x/22;

Objective: Bright field objective 10x/0.25; 20x/0.40; 40x/0.60, phase contrast objective 10X/0.25 PH, 20X/0.40 PH;

Objective turntable: 5 positions;

The B80iFV digital inverted fluorescence biological microscope adopts an excellent infinite distance optical system. Equipped with a long working distance flat field objective and an integrated LCD screen, the compact and stable high rigidity body fully meets the anti vibration requirements of microscopic operations.   The transmission optical axis that can be adjusted at a 45 ° angle facilitates the observation of stained culture cells in culture dishes or cylindrical flasks, providing greater operating space.   This instrument is suitable for microscopic observation of cellular tissues, transparent liquid tissues, and dynamic microscopic observation of cultured tissues in culture dishes.   The product can be widely used in fields such as biology, medicine, industry, agriculture, etc.

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Inverted Fluorescence Microscope B80iF



Inverted Fluorescence Microscope B80iF

Eyepiece: WF10 x/22;

Eyepiece cylinder: The three eye cylinder is tilted at a 45 ° angle;

Objective: Bright field objective 10x/0.25; 20x/0.40; 40x/0.60, phase contrast objective 10X/0.25 PH, 20X/0.40 PH;

The B80iF inverted biological microscope adopts an excellent infinite distance optical system. Equipped with a long working distance flat field objective and a large field of view eyepiece, a compact and stable high rigidity main body fully meets the anti vibration requirements of microscopic operations.   The transmission optical axis that can be adjusted at a 45 ° angle facilitates the observation of stained culture cells in culture dishes or cylindrical flasks, providing greater operating space.   This instrument is suitable for microscopic observation of cellular tissues, transparent liquid tissues, and dynamic microscopic observation of cultured tissues in culture dishes.   The product can be widely used in fields such as biology, medicine, industry, agriculture, etc.

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Inverted Microscope B60iV



Inverted Microscope B60iV

Eyepiece: WF10 x/22;

Objective: Bright field objective 10x/0.25; 20x/0.40; 40x/0.60, phase contrast objective 10X/0.25 PH, 20X/0.40 PH;

Objective turntable: 5 positions;

The B60iV digital inverted biological microscope adopts an excellent infinite distance optical system. Equipped with a long working distance flat field objective and a large LCD screen, the compact and stable high rigidity body fully meets the shock resistance requirements of microscopic operations.   The transmission optical axis that can be adjusted at a 45 ° angle facilitates the observation of stained culture cells in culture dishes or cylindrical flasks, providing greater operating space.   This instrument is suitable for microscopic observation of cellular tissues, transparent liquid tissues, and dynamic microscopic observation of cultured tissues in culture dishes.  

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Inverted Microscope B60iL



Inverted Microscope B60iL

Eyepiece: WF10 x/22;

Eyepiece cylinder: The three eye cylinder is tilted at a 45 ° angle;

Objective: Bright field objective 10x/0.25; 20x/0.40; 40x/0.60, phase contrast objective 10X/0.25 PH, 20X/0.40 PH;

The B60iL inverted biological microscope adopts an excellent infinite distance optical system. Equipped with a long working distance flat field objective and a large field of view eyepiece, a compact and stable high rigidity body fully meets the shock resistance requirements of microscopic operations.   A transmission optical axis that can be adjusted at a 45 ° angle, specifically designed for observation in cell factories with a long transmission optical axis, meets the working requirements of multi-layer cell factories and provides greater operating space.   This instrument is suitable for microscopic observation of cellular tissues, transparent liquid tissues, and dynamic microscopic observation of cultured tissues in culture dishes.   The product can be widely used in fields such as biology, medicine, industry, agriculture, etc.

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Inverted Microscope B60i



Inverted Microscope B60i

Eyepiece: WF10 x/22;

Eyepiece cylinder: The three eye cylinder is tilted at a 45 ° angle;

Objective: Bright field objective 10x/0.25; 20x/0.40; 40x/0.60, phase contrast objective 10X/0.25 PH, 20X/0.40 PH;

The B60i inverted biological microscope adopts an excellent infinite distance optical system. Equipped with a long working distance flat field objective and a large field of view eyepiece, a compact and stable high rigidity body fully meets the shock resistance requirements of microscopic operations.   The transmission optical axis that can be adjusted at a 45 ° angle facilitates the observation of stained culture cells in culture dishes or cylindrical flasks, providing greater operating space.   This instrument is suitable for microscopic observation of cellular tissues, transparent liquid tissues, and dynamic microscopic observation of cultured tissues in culture dishes.    

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Inverted Microscope B50i



Inverted Microscope B50i

Eyepiece: WF10 x/22;

Eyepiece cylinder: The three eye cylinder is tilted at a 45 ° angle;

Objective: Bright field objective 10x/0.25; 20x/0.40; 40x/0.60; Phase contrast objective 10X PH,

The B50i inverted biological microscope adopts an excellent infinite distance optical system, which can provide excellent optical performance.   The streamlined design concept and compact and stable high rigidity main body fully meet the seismic requirements of microscopic operations.   The long working distance spotlight system can observe cells in culture dishes or cylindrical flasks without contamination. The lighting system fully considers heat dissipation and safety, and the human-machine engineering design concept makes operation more convenient, comfortable, and safe.   This instrument can be used for microscopic observation of cellular tissues, transparent liquid tissues, and dynamic microscopic observation of cultured tissues in culture dishes. The product can be widely used in fields such as biology, medicine, industry, and agriculture.

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Upright Fluorescence Microscope B80F



Upright Fluorescence Microscope B80F

Eyepiece: WF10 x/22;

Eyepiece cylinder: Three eye cylinder tilted at 30 °;

Objective: Semi apochromatic objective 4 x NA0.13/W.D.17.15mm; 10×NA0.3/W.D.7.68mm; 20×NA0.5/W.D.1.96mm;

The B80F upright fluorescence biological microscope is widely used for microscopic observation purposes in industries, agriculture, medical and health, laboratories, school teaching, and life science research fields.   The B80F upright fluorescence biological microscope infinite far beam system is composed of high-end optical devices, which have the characteristics of long working distance, strong color difference correction ability, and high sensitivity fluorescence imaging. Designed ergonomically to reduce muscle tension and fatigue caused by repetitive work.   B80F focuses on every detail, detecting, analyzing, and researching with advanced digital cameras and intelligent software, which is sufficient to meet various application needs. Easy to operate, fast signal acquisition speed, high efficiency, and reliable performance.   The B80F fluorescence module is a turntable switch, with the light source and filter block linked for easy operation; Up to 5 custom channels can be configured, and the updated coating technology of the filter ensures high fluorescence intensity with high transparency, while also providing excellent quality and consistency to avoid pixel drift. Coupled with a high sensitivity camera, the excellent stretchability can meet the high-quality fluorescence imaging needs of various probe labels.

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Upright Fluorescence Microscope B70F



Upright Fluorescence Microscope B70F

Eyepiece: WF10 x/22 (22mm optional)

Eyepiece cylinder: Three eye cylinder tilted at 30 °;

Objective: Flat field achromatic objective PL 4x/0.1; PL10x/0.25; PL40x/0.65; PL100x/1.25 (oil mirror);

The B70F upright fluorescence microscope is widely used for microscopic observation in industries, agriculture, healthcare, laboratories, school teaching, and life science research fields.   The B70F upright fluorescence microscope focuses on every detail, is easy to operate, and is equipped with an imaging system that has fast signal acquisition speed, high efficiency, and reliable performance.   The B70F features LED lighting with constant color temperature or frequency bands, high-end optical components, and an infinite high beam path system, providing you with high-definition, high sensitivity, and excellent results.   The update of B70F fluorescent filter in coating technology ensures high fluorescence intensity with high transparency, while also providing excellent quality and consistency, avoiding pixel drift. Combined with high sensitivity cameras, it can meet the high-quality fluorescence imaging needs of various probe labels.

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Upright Fluorescence Microscope B60F



Upright Fluorescence Microscope B60F

Eyepiece: WF10 x/22;

Eyepiece cylinder: Three eye cylinder tilted at 30 °;

Objective: Flat field achromatic objective PL 4x/0.1; PL10x/0.25; PL40x/0.65; PL100x/1.25 (oil mirror);

The B60F upright fluorescent biological microscope adopts an infinite far-field achromatic fluorescent objective and a large field of view eyepiece, with clear optical system imaging and a wide field of view.   The excitation light source adopts a high-power and high brightness monochromatic LED module group, and the transmission light source adopts a high-power and high brightness white LED module. The lighting brightness is adjustable, the lighting device has low power consumption, long service life, and safe and comfortable operating performance.   The product can be widely used in fields such as biology, medicine, industry, agriculture, etc.

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Upright Microscope B80



Upright Microscope B80

Eyepiece: WF10 x/22;

Eyepiece cylinder: Three eye cylinder tilted at 30 °;

Objective: Semi apochromatic objective 4 x NA0.13/W.D.17.15mm; 10×NA0.3/W.D.7.68mm; 20×NA0.5/W.D.1.96mm

The B80 upright biological microscope is widely used for microscopic observation in industries, agriculture, healthcare, laboratories, school teaching, and life science research fields. The B80 upright biological microscope infinite far beam system is composed of high-end optical devices, which have the characteristics of long working distance, strong color difference correction ability, and high sensitivity fluorescence imaging. Designed ergonomically to reduce muscle tension and fatigue caused by repetitive work. B80 focuses on every detail, detecting, analyzing, and researching with advanced digital cameras and intelligent software, which is sufficient to meet various application needs. Easy to operate, fast signal acquisition speed, high efficiency, and reliable performance.

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Upright Microscope B70



Upright Microscope B70

Eyepiece: WF10 x/20 (22mm optional);

Eyepiece cylinder: Three eye cylinder tilted at 30 °;

Objective: Flat field achromatic objective PL 4x/0.1; PL10x/0.25; PL40x/0.65; PL100x/1.25 (oil mirror);

The B70 upright biological microscope is widely used for microscopic observation in industries, agriculture, healthcare, laboratories, school teaching, and life science research fields. The B70 upright biological microscope focuses on every detail, is easy to operate, and is equipped with an imaging system that has fast signal acquisition speed, high efficiency, and reliable performance.

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Upright Microscope B60



Upright Microscope B60

Eyepiece: WF10 x/22;

Eyepiece cylinder: Three eye cylinder tilted at 30 °;

Objective: Flat field achromatic objective PL 4x/0.1; PL10x/0.25; PL40x/0.65; PL100x/1.25 (oil mirror);

The B60 upright biological microscope is equipped with an infinite far-field achromatic objective and a large field of view eyepiece, providing clear imaging and a wide field of view. Ideal design that meets ergonomic requirements, featuring a low level focusing handwheel, inward facing objective converter, and built-in handle design, making operation more convenient and comfortable.   -The product can be widely used in fields such as biology, medicine, industry, agriculture, etc. -Adopting excellent infinite optical systems, it can provide excellent optical performance. -The compact and stable high rigidity body fully embodies the anti vibration requirements of microscopic operations. -Ideal design that meets ergonomic requirements, making operation more convenient and comfortable, and providing a wider space. -Mechanical mobile loading platform, suitable for microscopic observation or rapid detection of multiple samples. -Modular functional design can facilitate system upgrades and achieve functions such as phase contrast observation.

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Upright Microscope B50



Upright Microscope B50

Eyepiece: WF10 x/20;

Eyepiece cylinder: Three eye cylinder tilted at 30 °;

Objective: Flat field achromatic objective PL 4x/0.1; PL10x/0.25; PL40x/0.65; PL100x/1.25 (oil mirror);

The B50 upright biological microscope is equipped with a flat field achromatic objective and a large field eyepiece, providing clear imaging and a wide field of view. Adopting a smooth and concise exterior design, the low position focusing handwheel and inward facing objective converter make operation convenient and comfortable. The product can be widely used in fields such as biology, medicine, industry, agriculture, etc.

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Stereo Microscope S80



Stereo Microscope S80

Magnification: Total magnification 8X~80X (standard configuration)

Eyepiece: High eye point wide-angle eyepiece (10X, ¥ 22mm)

Mirror tube: tilted at 45 °

● Adopting a parallel optical system, the main body has a continuous zoom range of 0.8X~8X; ● Continuous zoom from high to low magnification, clear and flicker free throughout the entire process, large depth of field, long working distance, and abundant accessories; ● Widely used for high-precision requirements in scientific research, biology, medicine, environment, agriculture and forestry, public security, microelectronics, semiconductors, and other fields.

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Stereo Microscope S70



Stereo Microscope S70

Magnification: Total magnification 8X~70X (standard configuration)

Eyepiece: SWH10X high eye point ultra wide angle eyepiece, with a field of view of ¥ 23mm

Mirror tube: tilted at 45 °

● Design using patented technology; ● Long working distance, large depth of field, and large zoom ratio; ● The three camera host can be connected to CCD (CMOS) cameras and digital cameras; ● Multiple magnification eyepieces, dividing eyepieces, and large objective lenses are available for selection; ● Can be equipped with various bases and universal brackets, LED ring lights, ring fluorescent lights, fiber optic and other lighting options; ● Widely used in schools, biotechnology and scientific research, industrial assembly, testing and measurement, and quality control.  

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Stereo Microscope S65



Stereo Microscope S65

Magnification: Total magnification 7X~65X (standard configuration)

Eyepiece: SWH10X high eye point ultra wide angle eyepiece, with a field of view of ¥ 23mm

Mirror tube: tilted at 45 °

● Full focus with clear and no flicker throughout the entire process; ● New optical design, reproducing the best resolution and true color images; ● Large depth of field, wide field of view, ultra long working distance, and high cost-effectiveness; ● Meet the high-precision requirements of modern biological research, semiconductors, and other technological industries.

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Stereo Microscope S45



Stereo Microscope S45

Magnification: Total magnification 7X~45X (standard configuration)

Eyepiece: SWH10X high eye point ultra wide angle eyepiece, with a field of view of ¥ 23mm

Mirror tube: tilted at 45 °

● Full focus with clear and no flicker throughout the entire process; ● New optical design, reproducing the best resolution and true color images; ● Large depth of field, wide field of view, ultra long working distance, and high cost-effectiveness; ● Meet the high-precision requirements of modern biological research, semiconductors, and other technological industries.

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Spectral Shift & MST Technologies MO Automated

Spectral Shift




Spectral Shift & MST Technologies MO Automated

Detection time for a set of Ka: less than 15 minutes (standard mode)

Affinity detection range: 1 pM to mM

Sample testing range: 101-107 Daltons

Spectral Shift & MST Technologies   Directly measure the strength of molecular interactions in solution, without the need for immobilization. Characterize nearly all types of molecular interactions — even the most challenging ones. With ultra-low sample consumption and versatile capabilities, Monolith is the best solution for your binding affinity experiments.   With Monolith X, you’ll get Spectral Shift and MST — two biophysical modalities to help cover all the types of interactions you encounter. You’ll enjoy high-quality results without spending your time on assay development and finally perform experiments without worrying about sample aggregation or impurities.   -Work with challenging interactions that are difficult for SPR For one reason or another, SPR has a difficult time analyzing challenging binding events no matter how many times you’ve tried to develop an assay. When you find yourself in these challenging situations, turn to Monolith to help.   -Immobilization prevents you from getting a Kd Suboptimal immobilization or regeneration conditions in SPR negatively impact ligand-binding activity. Because Monolith measures binding in-solution under controlled equilibrium conditions, it will help you handle more challenging ligands, like IDPs with complex conformational dynamics.   -You experience non-specific binding between the analyte and matrix Since SPR doesn’t differentiate between binding of an analyte to an immobilized ligand or to the matrix on a sensor, you’ll find yourself doing further testing to recognize and avoid non-specific binding. With Monolith, there’s no need to test for non-specific binding since measurements are done in solution.   -You’re unable to easily resolve high affinity interactions It’s so difficult to assess high affinity interactions using SPR. Why? Because these types of interactions have very slow dissociation rates and since SPR uses this information to derive binding data — getting a result could take forever. With Monolith, binding is measured directly, so you don’t have to wait.   -You’re dealing with covalent interactions Studying covalent binders with SPR is very complex. Because Monolith measures interactions in solution, it’s easy to measure covalent interactions — there’s no need to figure out how to regenerate biosensors.   -Validate your SPR results with an immobilization-free method It’s common practice to validate your results with more than one technique because you want to be confident that the results are real. Monolith, with its immobilization-free measurement, is the perfect orthogonal tool for SPR users. It removes the immobilization bias and helps to confirm your results, identify false positives, or find binding partners that your primary assay missed.   -Use a versatile tool to tackle a wide variety of projects Rely on Monolith’s versatile capabilities to execute immobilization-free experiments quickly and efficiently. Tackle projects that involve almost any molecule, buffer composition, or binding strength, all while consuming only a small amount of sample.   -Get binding affinity data for almost any type of molecule Work with almost any molecule including IDPs, membrane proteins, large protein complexes, PROTACS, small molecules or ions.   -Capture mass and size⁠-⁠independent measurements Evaluate results independently of size and mass differences in binding partners.   -Utilize a myriad of assay buffer formulations Analyze the binding of purified and crude samples without worrying about interference from buffer additives like detergents.   -Quantify low and high binding affinities Measure a broad range of binding affinities, from pM to mM, allowing you to detect strong and weak binders.   -Get more than just a Kd Scientists use Monolith to study binding stoichiometry* and thermodynamic parameters*, assess relative affinities with competition assays, and characterize binding cooperativity*. *Requires offline data handling, not supported by Monolith software  

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Spectral Shift & MST Technologies MO LabelFree

Spectral Shift




Spectral Shift & MST Technologies MO LabelFree

Detection time for a set of Ka: less than 10 minutes (standard mode)

Affinity detection range: 10nM to mM

Sample testing range: 101-107 Daltons

Directly measure the strength of molecular interactions in solution, without the need for immobilization. Characterize nearly all types of molecular interactions — even the most challenging ones. With ultra-low sample consumption and versatile capabilities, Monolith is the best solution for your binding affinity experiments.   With Monolith X, you’ll get Spectral Shift and MST — two biophysical modalities to help cover all the types of interactions you encounter. You’ll enjoy high-quality results without spending your time on assay development and finally perform experiments without worrying about sample aggregation or impurities.   -Work with challenging interactions that are difficult for SPR For one reason or another, SPR has a difficult time analyzing challenging binding events no matter how many times you’ve tried to develop an assay. When you find yourself in these challenging situations, turn to Monolith to help.   -Immobilization prevents you from getting a Kd Suboptimal immobilization or regeneration conditions in SPR negatively impact ligand-binding activity. Because Monolith measures binding in-solution under controlled equilibrium conditions, it will help you handle more challenging ligands, like IDPs with complex conformational dynamics.   -You experience non-specific binding between the analyte and matrix Since SPR doesn’t differentiate between binding of an analyte to an immobilized ligand or to the matrix on a sensor, you’ll find yourself doing further testing to recognize and avoid non-specific binding. With Monolith, there’s no need to test for non-specific binding since measurements are done in solution.   -You’re unable to easily resolve high affinity interactions It’s so difficult to assess high affinity interactions using SPR. Why? Because these types of interactions have very slow dissociation rates and since SPR uses this information to derive binding data — getting a result could take forever. With Monolith, binding is measured directly, so you don’t have to wait.   -You’re dealing with covalent interactions Studying covalent binders with SPR is very complex. Because Monolith measures interactions in solution, it’s easy to measure covalent interactions — there’s no need to figure out how to regenerate biosensors.   -Validate your SPR results with an immobilization-free method It’s common practice to validate your results with more than one technique because you want to be confident that the results are real. Monolith, with its immobilization-free measurement, is the perfect orthogonal tool for SPR users. It removes the immobilization bias and helps to confirm your results, identify false positives, or find binding partners that your primary assay missed.   -Use a versatile tool to tackle a wide variety of projects Rely on Monolith’s versatile capabilities to execute immobilization-free experiments quickly and efficiently. Tackle projects that involve almost any molecule, buffer composition, or binding strength, all while consuming only a small amount of sample.   -Get binding affinity data for almost any type of molecule Work with almost any molecule including IDPs, membrane proteins, large protein complexes, PROTACS, small molecules or ions.   -Capture mass and size⁠-⁠independent measurements Evaluate results independently of size and mass differences in binding partners.   -Utilize a myriad of assay buffer formulations Analyze the binding of purified and crude samples without worrying about interference from buffer additives like detergents.   -Quantify low and high binding affinities Measure a broad range of binding affinities, from pM to mM, allowing you to detect strong and weak binders.   -Get more than just a Kd Scientists use Monolith to study binding stoichiometry* and thermodynamic parameters*, assess relative affinities with competition assays, and characterize binding cooperativity*. *Requires offline data handling, not supported by Monolith software

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Spectral Shift & MST Technologies MO Pico

Spectral Shift




Spectral Shift & MST Technologies MO Pico

Detection time for a set of Ka: less than 10 minutes (standard mode)

Affinity detection range: 1 pM to mM

Sample testing range: 101-107 Daltons

Directly measure the strength of molecular interactions in solution, without the need for immobilization. Characterize nearly all types of molecular interactions — even the most challenging ones. With ultra-low sample consumption and versatile capabilities, Monolith is the best solution for your binding affinity experiments.   With Monolith X, you’ll get Spectral Shift and MST — two biophysical modalities to help cover all the types of interactions you encounter. You’ll enjoy high-quality results without spending your time on assay development and finally perform experiments without worrying about sample aggregation or impurities.   -Work with challenging interactions that are difficult for SPR For one reason or another, SPR has a difficult time analyzing challenging binding events no matter how many times you’ve tried to develop an assay. When you find yourself in these challenging situations, turn to Monolith to help.   -Immobilization prevents you from getting a Kd Suboptimal immobilization or regeneration conditions in SPR negatively impact ligand-binding activity. Because Monolith measures binding in-solution under controlled equilibrium conditions, it will help you handle more challenging ligands, like IDPs with complex conformational dynamics.   -You experience non-specific binding between the analyte and matrix Since SPR doesn’t differentiate between binding of an analyte to an immobilized ligand or to the matrix on a sensor, you’ll find yourself doing further testing to recognize and avoid non-specific binding. With Monolith, there’s no need to test for non-specific binding since measurements are done in solution.   -You’re unable to easily resolve high affinity interactions It’s so difficult to assess high affinity interactions using SPR. Why? Because these types of interactions have very slow dissociation rates and since SPR uses this information to derive binding data — getting a result could take forever. With Monolith, binding is measured directly, so you don’t have to wait.   -You’re dealing with covalent interactions Studying covalent binders with SPR is very complex. Because Monolith measures interactions in solution, it’s easy to measure covalent interactions — there’s no need to figure out how to regenerate biosensors.   -Validate your SPR results with an immobilization-free method It’s common practice to validate your results with more than one technique because you want to be confident that the results are real. Monolith, with its immobilization-free measurement, is the perfect orthogonal tool for SPR users. It removes the immobilization bias and helps to confirm your results, identify false positives, or find binding partners that your primary assay missed.   -Use a versatile tool to tackle a wide variety of projects Rely on Monolith’s versatile capabilities to execute immobilization-free experiments quickly and efficiently. Tackle projects that involve almost any molecule, buffer composition, or binding strength, all while consuming only a small amount of sample.   -Get binding affinity data for almost any type of molecule Work with almost any molecule including IDPs, membrane proteins, large protein complexes, PROTACS, small molecules or ions.   -Capture mass and size⁠-⁠independent measurements Evaluate results independently of size and mass differences in binding partners.   -Utilize a myriad of assay buffer formulations Analyze the binding of purified and crude samples without worrying about interference from buffer additives like detergents.   -Quantify low and high binding affinities Measure a broad range of binding affinities, from pM to mM, allowing you to detect strong and weak binders.   -Get more than just a Kd Scientists use Monolith to study binding stoichiometry* and thermodynamic parameters*, assess relative affinities with competition assays, and characterize binding cooperativity*. *Requires offline data handling, not supported by Monolith software

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Spectral Shift & MST Technologies MO

Spectral Shift




Spectral Shift & MST Technologies MO

Detection time for a set of Ka: less than 10 minutes (standard mode)

Affinity detection range: 1 nM to mM

Sample testing range: 101-107 Daltons

Directly measure the strength of molecular interactions in solution, without the need for immobilization. Characterize nearly all types of molecular interactions — even the most challenging ones. With ultra-low sample consumption and versatile capabilities, Monolith is the best solution for your binding affinity experiments.   With Monolith X, you’ll get Spectral Shift and MST — two biophysical modalities to help cover all the types of interactions you encounter. You’ll enjoy high-quality results without spending your time on assay development and finally perform experiments without worrying about sample aggregation or impurities.   -Work with challenging interactions that are difficult for SPR For one reason or another, SPR has a difficult time analyzing challenging binding events no matter how many times you’ve tried to develop an assay. When you find yourself in these challenging situations, turn to Monolith to help.   -Immobilization prevents you from getting a Kd Suboptimal immobilization or regeneration conditions in SPR negatively impact ligand-binding activity. Because Monolith measures binding in-solution under controlled equilibrium conditions, it will help you handle more challenging ligands, like IDPs with complex conformational dynamics.   -You experience non-specific binding between the analyte and matrix Since SPR doesn’t differentiate between binding of an analyte to an immobilized ligand or to the matrix on a sensor, you’ll find yourself doing further testing to recognize and avoid non-specific binding. With Monolith, there’s no need to test for non-specific binding since measurements are done in solution.   -You’re unable to easily resolve high affinity interactions It’s so difficult to assess high affinity interactions using SPR. Why? Because these types of interactions have very slow dissociation rates and since SPR uses this information to derive binding data — getting a result could take forever. With Monolith, binding is measured directly, so you don’t have to wait.   -You’re dealing with covalent interactions Studying covalent binders with SPR is very complex. Because Monolith measures interactions in solution, it’s easy to measure covalent interactions — there’s no need to figure out how to regenerate biosensors.   -Validate your SPR results with an immobilization-free method It’s common practice to validate your results with more than one technique because you want to be confident that the results are real. Monolith, with its immobilization-free measurement, is the perfect orthogonal tool for SPR users. It removes the immobilization bias and helps to confirm your results, identify false positives, or find binding partners that your primary assay missed.   -Use a versatile tool to tackle a wide variety of projects Rely on Monolith’s versatile capabilities to execute immobilization-free experiments quickly and efficiently. Tackle projects that involve almost any molecule, buffer composition, or binding strength, all while consuming only a small amount of sample.   -Get binding affinity data for almost any type of molecule Work with almost any molecule including IDPs, membrane proteins, large protein complexes, PROTACS, small molecules or ions.   -Capture mass and size⁠-⁠independent measurements Evaluate results independently of size and mass differences in binding partners.   -Utilize a myriad of assay buffer formulations Analyze the binding of purified and crude samples without worrying about interference from buffer additives like detergents.   -Quantify low and high binding affinities Measure a broad range of binding affinities, from pM to mM, allowing you to detect strong and weak binders.   -Get more than just a Kd Scientists use Monolith to study binding stoichiometry* and thermodynamic parameters*, assess relative affinities with competition assays, and characterize binding cooperativity*. *Requires offline data handling, not supported by Monolith software

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Protein Stability Analyzer NT.Plex + NT.RA





Protein Stability Analyzer NT.Plex + NT.RA

Sample quantity: 1 to 1536 (1 to 64 capillary chips)

Sample volume: 10 μ L

Sample concentration range: 0.005-250 mg/mL (standard lgG)

Prometheus consistently delivers trustworthy, high-resolution stability characterization   Collect precise, high-resolution data and reliable results every time Measuring with precision matters when the differences between your candidates are subtle. Prometheus delivers the high-resolution stability data you need to spot those differences and decide which candidates are best to work with moving forward.   Learn more about your protein samples without wasting sample With multiple technologies collecting conformational and colloidal stability data from a single sample, you gain a deeper understanding of your molecule’s behavior when assessing your protein. Prometheus offers a combinatorial approach to selecting ideal drug candidates and conditions.   Future-proof your lab and be prepared for any throughput or experiment type Prometheus works for large experiments with a single purpose, such as buffer screening; or for complex, multi-step processes like developability profiling. And when big projects come your way, get all your conformational and colloidal stability info in a hands-free, automated manner.   Get started right away with hassle-free software It doesn’t take an expert to learn everything you need to know about your protein samples. Prometheus makes it easy to get started, both with operation and data analysis. Spend less time struggling to interpret your data and more time making decisions about your proteins.

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Protein Stability Analyzer NT.Plex





Protein Stability Analyzer NT.Plex

Sample quantity: 1 to 24 (capillary chips)

Sample volume: 10 μ L

Sample concentration range: 0.005-250 mg/mL (standard lgG)

Prometheus consistently delivers trustworthy, high-resolution stability characterization   Collect precise, high-resolution data and reliable results every time Measuring with precision matters when the differences between your candidates are subtle. Prometheus delivers the high-resolution stability data you need to spot those differences and decide which candidates are best to work with moving forward.   Learn more about your protein samples without wasting sample With multiple technologies collecting conformational and colloidal stability data from a single sample, you gain a deeper understanding of your molecule’s behavior when assessing your protein. Prometheus offers a combinatorial approach to selecting ideal drug candidates and conditions.   Future-proof your lab and be prepared for any throughput or experiment type Prometheus works for large experiments with a single purpose, such as buffer screening; or for complex, multi-step processes like developability profiling. And when big projects come your way, get all your conformational and colloidal stability info in a hands-free, automated manner.   Get started right away with hassle-free software It doesn’t take an expert to learn everything you need to know about your protein samples. Prometheus makes it easy to get started, both with operation and data analysis. Spend less time struggling to interpret your data and more time making decisions about your proteins.

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Protein Stability Analyzer NT.48





Protein Stability Analyzer NT.48

Sample quantity: 1 to 48 (single capillary)

Sample volume: 10 μ L

Sample concentration range: 0.005-250 mg/mL (standard lgG)

Prometheus consistently delivers trustworthy, high-resolution stability characterization   Collect precise, high-resolution data and reliable results every time Measuring with precision matters when the differences between your candidates are subtle. Prometheus delivers the high-resolution stability data you need to spot those differences and decide which candidates are best to work with moving forward.   Learn more about your protein samples without wasting sample With multiple technologies collecting conformational and colloidal stability data from a single sample, you gain a deeper understanding of your molecule’s behavior when assessing your protein. Prometheus offers a combinatorial approach to selecting ideal drug candidates and conditions.   Future-proof your lab and be prepared for any throughput or experiment type Prometheus works for large experiments with a single purpose, such as buffer screening; or for complex, multi-step processes like developability profiling. And when big projects come your way, get all your conformational and colloidal stability info in a hands-free, automated manner.   Get started right away with hassle-free software It doesn’t take an expert to learn everything you need to know about your protein samples. Prometheus makes it easy to get started, both with operation and data analysis. Spend less time struggling to interpret your data and more time making decisions about your proteins.

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